

GRE阅读机经 GRE阅读高频机经



  As of the late 1980’s, neither theorists nor large-scale computer climate models could accurately predict whether cloud systems would help or hurt a warming globe. Some studies suggested that a four percent increase in stratocumulus clouds over the ocean could compensate for a doubling in atmospheric carbon dioxide, preventing a potentially disastrous planetwide temperature increase. On the other hand, an increase in cirrus clouds could increase global warming.

  That clouds represented the weakest element in climate models was illustrated by a study of fourteen such models. Comparing climate forecasts for a world with double the current amount of carbon dioxide, researchers found that the models agreed quite well if clouds were not included. But when clouds were incorporated, a wide range of forecasts was produced. With such discrepancies plaguing the models, scientists could not easily predict how quickly the world’s climate would change, nor could they tell which regions would face dustier droughts or deadlier monsoons.

  15.1. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

  (A) confirming a theory

  (B) supporting a statement

  (C) presenting new information

  (D) predicting future discoveries

  (E) reconciling discrepant findings




GRE阅读 GRE阅读机经 GRE阅读高频机经:寂静的春天


  Fifty years ago, Rachel Carson wrote and published Silent Spring. Carson was ahead of hertime. She said pesticides like DDT were damaging the environment and human health.Although the book became an inspiration for the environmental movement, the battle for theenvironment continues.

  In the 1950s, the U.S. Department of Agriculture was spraying more than a quarter-millionkilograms of pesticides each year. Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson, revealed that pesticides likeDDT were lethal not only for insects but for all living things.

  “Silent Spring essentially told the reading public that human beings could alter the naturalworld in ways that were quite deadly and that it could be potentially lethal to human beings aswell as to other parts of the natural world,” said Linda Lear, the author of a biography onCarson.

  More than six million copies of the book have been sold in the U.S. It's been translated intosome 30 languages.

  In the Washington suburbs, the house where Carson wrote Silent Spring is now a NationalHistoric Landmark. Carson was a pathbreaker.“In Silent Spring, she is writing in a voice that Icall apocalyptic writing," added Linda Lear. "She is trying to sound an alarm to get ourattention.”

  Thirty years after Silent Spring w...

