abase :: lower: humiliate
abash :: embarrass
abdicate :: renounce: give up
abhor :: detest
abjure :: renounce upon oath
abominate :: loathe: hate
abrade :: wear away by friction: erode
abrogate :: abolish
abscond :: depart secretly and hide
absolve :: pardon an offense
abut :: border upon; adjoin
accede :: agree
accelerate :: move faster
acclimate :: adjust to climate
accost :: approach and speak first to a person
accoutre :: equip
accrue :: come about by addition
acknowledge :: recognize: admit
actuate :: motivate
adapt :: alter: modify
adduce :: present as evidence
adhere :: stick fast to
adjure :: request solemnly
admonish :: warn: reprove
adulterate :: make impure by mixing with baser substances
advert :: refer to
advocate :: urge: plead for
aggrandize :: increase or intensify
agitate :: stir up: disturb
alienate :: make hostile: separate
allay :: calm: pacify
allege :: state without proof
alleviate :: relieve
allocate :: assign
allude :: refer indirectly
amalgamate :: combine; unite in one body
amass :: collect
amble :: move at an easy pace
ameliorate :: improve
amplify :: enlarge