

GRE词汇学习笔记 GRE词汇 GRE考试


  擦边球 edge ball, touch ball

  擦网球 net ball

  采取高姿态 show magnanimity

  采取市场多元化战略 adopt the strategy of a multi-outlet market

  “菜篮子”工程 the “shopping basket' project (program)

  参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs

  沧海桑田 Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields change into

  seas——time brings great changes to the world.

  What was once the sea has now changed into mulberry fields——the world is

  changing all the time.

  仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket

  草根工业 grass root industry (refers to village and township enterprises

  which take root among farmers and grow like wold grass)

  层层转包和违法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting

  差额投票 differential voting

  差额选举 competitive election

  茶道 sado

  查房 make/go the rounds of the wards

  拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul

  拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition

  搀水股票 water-down stocks (ordinary stocks that can be bought by persons






GRE词汇复习资料 GRE词汇 GRE考试


  报国计划的实施 implementation of Dedicator's Project

  北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank

  本本主义 bookishness

  《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica

  本垒打 circuit clout, four-master, round trip

  本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial


  奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life

  笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.

  蹦极 bungee, bungee jumping

  避免“大而全”的重复建设 avoid duplicate (duplicated, overlapping)

  construction of “small and all inclusive projects”

  逼上梁山 be driven to drastic alternatives

  比较经济学 comparative economics

  比上不足,比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short

  of the best, but be better than the worst

  闭门羹 given cold-shoulder

  边际报酬 marginal return

  边缘科学 boundary science

  变相涨价 disguised inflation

  便携式电脑 portable computer; laptop; notebook computer

  标书 bidding documents







2013gre考试 gre词汇

  abacus [5AbEkEs] n. 算盘(frame with balls for calculating)

  (类)abacus·calculated=balance·weighted 算盘·计算=天平·称量(工具及其作用)


  abandon [E5bAndEn] vt. 放弃(to give up without intent to return)n. 放任,放纵

  (类)abandon·inhibition=voluble·terseness 放纵·压抑=罗嗦的·简洁(反义)

  abandon·inhibition=conscious·numbness 放任·压抑=有意识的·麻木(反义)

  abandon·inhibition=tranquility·agitation 放纵·压抑=冷静·激动(反义)

  abandon·inhibition=despair·hope 放纵·压抑=绝望·希望(反义)

  (反)salvage ◆ abandon 救助 ◆ 放弃(to withdraw one's support or help from)

  (例)He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。

  abase [E5beIs] v. 贬低降低地位、威望或尊严(to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem)

  (类)abase·prestige=damp·ardor 降低·声望=抑制·热情 (动作及其相关对象)

  abase·status=shorten·length 降低·地位=缩短·长度 (动作及其相关对象)

  curtail·duration=abase·strength 缩减·持续时间=降低·力量 (动作及其相关对象)

  (记)a+base(降低)→贬低 (同)bemean, degrade, demean, humiliate

  (例)A man who betrays a friend abases himself. 叛友者实为自贬身份。

  abash [E5bAF] vt. 使不安,使愧疚(to destroy the self-possession沉着 or self-confidence of)



  【注:unabashed:not abashed 意思是不知羞耻的。同undisguised, unapologetic, brazen,

  shameless, barefaced, blatant, brassy, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unblushing】

  (反)embolden ◆ abash/ faze 使大胆 ◆ 使不安/ 使狼狈




2013gre考试 gre词汇


  参考:timeworn·novelty=convolution·simplicity 陈旧·新颖=复杂·简单(反义)


  (反)abstemious ◆ indulgent 节制的 ◆ 放纵的

  abstract [5AbstrAkt] vt. 1. 摘要,提炼, 抽象化 2. 心不在焉

  (反)abstract ◆ elaborate 提炼 ◆ 使复杂

  abstraction ◆ attention 心 不在焉 ◆ 关注

  (记)abs+tract(往外拉)联想:摘出 参考:tractor 拖拉机 retract 撤回,收回

  abstruse [Eb5stru:s] adj. 深奥的(difficult to comprehend;recondite)

  (类)abstruse·comprehension=indiscernible·vision 深奥的·理解=看不见的·显现(难以)


  (记)abs(不)+trus(进入,推)→不能进入→深奥的 参考:protrusion伸出 intrusion侵扰

  truss (支架:起到支撑,推一把的作用)

  (例)Your statement is a bit too abstruse. 你的话很难理解。

  absurb [ Eb5sE:d ] adj.荒谬的, 荒唐可笑的(insane,loony;preposterous)

  (反)rational 理性的sensible有判断力的

  abundant [E5bQndEnt] adj. 丰富的,盛产,富于

  (反)infrequent, rare, uncommon; inadequate, scanty , scarce

  abuse [E5bju:s] v. 辱骂,毁谤(to attack in words;revile)滥用,虐待

  (类)declamation·grandiloquence=diatribe·abuse 雄辩·夸夸其谈=恶骂·辱骂(同义)

  【注】grandiloquence:a pompous style in language;declaim:to speak pompously

  (类)polemic·disputatious=invective·abusive 好争论的·好争辩的=漫骂的·辱骂的(同义)

  diatribe·abuse=burlesque·mockery 恶骂·辱骂=讽刺的嘲笑·嘲笑(同义)

  (例)verbal abuse. 污言秽语 to abuse a privilege 滥用特权 to abuse a horse虐待一匹马

  (记)ab(表否定)+ use(用)不怎么好好用&r...



gre考试 gre词汇

  aboriginal [ 7AbE5ridVEnEl ] adj.土著的, 原来的n.土著居民


  abortive [E5bC:tiv] adj. 早产的, 流产的, 失败的(failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless)

  (例)We had to abandon our abortive attempts. 我们不得不放弃我们失败的尝试。


  abound [E5baund] vi. 多, 大量存在, 富于, 充满(to be great in number or amount)

  aboveboard adj. 无欺诈的(free from all traces of deceit)adv. 光明磊落地(forthright,straight)

  (反)surreptitious ◆ barefaced/ aboveboard 暗中的 ◆ 公然的/ 无欺诈的

  chicanery ◆ aboveboard action 欺诈 ◆ 光明磊落

  abrade [E5breiVEn] v. 磨损(to rub or wear away especially by friction:erode)

  (类)abraded·friction=vaporized·heat 磨损由于摩擦=蒸发由于加热

  (反)abrade ◆ augment 磨损 ◆ 增加

  (同)corrade, erode, gall, graze, rub, ruffle, wear

  abreast [ E5brest ] adv 并排地,齐头并进的,比肩的(up to a particular standard or level)

  (例)keeps abreast of the latest trends 与最新的潮流齐头并进。

  (记)a+breast 胸

  abridge [E5brIdV] v. 删减,缩短,压缩(to reduce the length of a written text;condense)

  (反)condensed ◆ unabridged 浓缩的 ◆ 未压缩的

  (反)amplify(扩大) extend in length;protract(延长)


  (例)The rights of citizens must not be abridged. 公民权利不能擅予削减。

  abrogate [5AbrEJ^eIt] v. 废除(法令等);取消(to abolish by authoritative action)

  (反)embrace支持 uphold支持 institute创立




2103gre考试 gre词汇

  accentuate [Ak5sentjueit] v. 重读, 强调(to stress or emphasize; intensify)

  (记)ac(加强)+cent(=cant唱,说)+uate→重读;参考:accent 重音

  access [5Akses] n. 通路(passage),入口 vt. 接近

  accessible [Ek5sesIbl] adj. 易接近的;可理解的(easy to approach;obtainable)

  (类)cache·hidden=summit·inaccessible 隐藏处是隐藏的=顶点是难以达到的(正面特征)

  (反)abstruse ◆ accessible/ patent 深奥的 ◆ 容易理解的/ 明显的

  (记)来自access (通路,入门)cess(走)参考:success,process

  accessory [Ek5sesErI] adj.附属的(additional object;useful but not essential thing)

  (反)accessory ◆ of primarily importance 附属的 ◆ 主要的

  (记)刚入门(access)一般都要当下属。参考:process 过程

  (例)accessory of a bicycle 自行车的附件

  accidental [AksI5dentEl] adj. 意外的,偶然的(occurring unexpectedly or by chance)



  【注】effect:something that inevitably follows an antecedent 必然结果

  (反)safeguard·accident=hedge·loss 安全装置·事故=篱笆·丢失(防止关系)

  intentional·accidental=arrogant·humble 故意的·意外的=傲慢的·谦逊的(反义)

  (记)cid(落下)→意外的 联想:苹果落下是意外的,但牛顿从中发现必然的规律。

  参考:incident(事件,事变) deciduous(每年落叶的)

  acclaim [ E5kleim ] n/v. 称赞,欢呼(to praise enthusiastically and often publicly)


  (派)acclaimed adj. 受欢迎的

  acclimate [E`klaImIt] vt. 使适应气候环境(to adapt to a new climate, environment)

  (反)acclimate ◆ make unfamiliar with 使适应 ◆ 使不熟悉<...



2013gre考试 gre词汇

  addendum [ E5dendEm ] n. 附录,补遗(a supplement to a book)

  (类)addendum·document=postscript·letter 附录附属于文件=附言附属于信件

  (记)由add 而来,参考另外一词:append 附加,添加

  addict [E5dIkt] v. 沉溺,上瘾(to devote(oneself)to something habitually)



  inured·tolerance=addicted·dependency 习惯的容易忍受=上瘾的容易依赖

  (记)ad+dict(要求)→不断要求→上瘾 参考:dictator独裁者

  addition [E5dIFEn] n. 加;增加物

  (例)Our baby brother is an addition to our family. 新出生的弟弟使我们家多了一口人。

  (记)in addition (also;as well as也;另外,加之)

  in addition to(over and above; besides 加于…之上;除…之外又)

  additive:adj. 附加的n.添加剂

  address [ E5dres ] v. 致词(to deliver a formal speech to)对付,处理,着手解决(to deal with)

  (例)He addressed himself to the problem. 他忙于处理问题。

  adhere [Ed5hIE] v. 依附,粘着(to hold fast or stick by gluing or grasping)

  (反)adhere ◆ detach 依附 ◆ 分离

  adherent ◆ forerunner 追随者 ◆ 先行者

  adjacent [E5dVeisEnt] adj.邻近的,接近的,毗邻的(close to;lying near)

  adjourn [E5dV\:n] vi. 延期,休会(to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place)

  (类)convoke ◆ adjourn 召集,召开会议 ◆ 休会,中止

  (记)ad+journ(=journey旅行)→ 因为旅行停止开会。参考:journal 刊物 journalism新闻学

  (例)The meeting will be adjourned till next Wednesday. 会议暂停,下星期三继续举行。

  adjudicate [ E5dVu:dikeit ] v. 判决, 宣判, 裁决

  (记)来自judge法官 参考:judicious明智的;prejudice偏...



2013gre考试 gre词汇

  cre [5eikE] n. 英亩

  (类)ream·paper=acre·land 纸的单位·纸=亩·土地

  acquit [ E5kwit ] vt. 宣告无罪(to free or clear from a charge or accusation)

  acrid [5AkrId] adj. 辛辣的,刺鼻的(sharp and harsh in taste or odor)

  (类)acrid·odor=grating/ piercing·sound 刺激的·味道=刺耳的·声音(形修饰名)

  acrid·gentleness=forthright·guile 辛辣的·温和的=直率的·狡诈(反面特征)

  (反)acrid ◆ gentle 辛辣的 ◆ 温和的

  acrimonious [AkrI5mEJnIEs] adj. 刻薄的(caustic especially in feeling, language, or manner)

  (反)acrimonious ◆ harmonious 刻薄的 ◆ 和谐融洽的


  (例)His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his audience.


  acrobat [ 5AkrEbAt ] n.杂技演员, 随机应变者

  (记)acro高+ bat走 →高空行走(如阿迪江)→杂技演员


  actuate [ 5Aktjueit ] vt. 促使

  (记)act行为+uate→使有作为→促使 参考:activate 刺激,使活泼

  acuity [ E5kjuiti ] n. 锐利,视力或观察力敏锐;敏捷(acuteness of vision or perception; keenness)

  acumen [E5kju:mEn] n.敏锐,聪明(keenness and depth of perception)

  (类)alacrity·prompt=acumen·shrewd 敏捷·快速=敏锐·干练(同义)

  (反)acumen ◆ unable to discerning 敏锐 ◆ 不能辨别的

  (记)acu(尖)+men →敏锐 参考:acupuncture 针灸

  (例)His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed.


  acute adj. 敏锐的,锐角的;(医)急性的(having a sudden onset 发作, sharp rise, and short course)




2013gre考试 gre词汇

  affected [E5fektId] adj. 假装的,做作的(assumed artificially or falsely)

  (类)posturer·unaffected=bigot·tolerant 装腔作势的人不矫揉造作=顽固不化的人不宽容

  (反)affected ◆ natural 做作的 ◆ 自然的

  affected ◆ artless 做作的 ◆ 朴实的

  affection [E`fekFEn] n. 爱,情感

  (类)kiss·affection=shrug·indifference 吻表达友爱=耸肩表达冷漠

  swagger·bravado=caress·affection 大摇大摆出于虚张声势=爱抚出于爱情

  mercurial·mood=fickle·affection 多变的情绪=善变的感情

  (反)antipathy 厌恶

  (记)affect (影响) 好影响 (affection),坏影响(affectation)参考:affectionate爱的



2013gre考试 gre词汇

  adorn [ E5dC:n ] v.装饰

  (记)ad+orn装饰 参考:ornament 装饰 suborn贿赂

  adroit [ E5drCit ] adj.熟练的,敏捷的

  adulate [5AdjJleIt] v. 谄媚,奉承(to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly)

  (类)fulminate·criticize =adulate·flatter


  aversion·disinclination=adulation·admiration 厌恶·不愿=谄媚·赞赏(褒贬程度)

  (反)scorn 咒骂 disdain 轻蔑蔑视 vituperate辱骂 disparage 贬损

  adulation ◆ somber affection 热烈的赞扬 ◆ 低沉的感情

  adulterate [E5dQltEreIt] vt. 掺杂,掺假 adj. 伪造的,掺杂的

  (类)embellish·austere=adulterate·pure 装饰·朴素=掺杂·纯净 (消除关系)

  adulterate·purity=enervate·vigor 掺杂·纯度=衰弱·活力(消除关系)

  adulterate·pure=bolster/ brace·weak=dismantle·unity


  demanding ·satisfactory= closed-mind·sway (注:词性不对)


  (反)tainted ◆ unadulterated 弄脏的 ◆ 没有搀杂的

  adulteration ◆ purification 掺假 ◆ 净化

  (例)adulterate coffee with ground acorns; 在咖啡中掺入磨碎的橡树子


  adumbrate [5AdQmbreIt] vt. 隐约预示(to suggest or disclose partially)

  (反)revelation ◆ adumbration 显示,揭露 ◆ 有保留的揭示

  (记)ad+umbra(=shadow 影子)+ate 联想:事情有影子→预示 参考:umbrella 伞

  advent [ 5AdvEnt ] n.不寻常事物的出现,到来


