

雅思口语题库 雅思口语话题 七台河雅思考试


  雅思口语题库:describe a teacher

  也许你刚刚从电影院里看完夏洛特烦,也许你刚刚从微信上看到相关的夏洛特烦恼的评论,但是你知道电影里的王老师(Teacher Wang)是谁吗?王老师原名是田雨,1977年12月21日出生于北京,中国国家话剧院二级男演员。

  说到老师,我们雅思口语考试中描述人物的Teacher 可是考中率排在前三的一个topic, 给大家分享一个例题。

  Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

  You should say:

  where you met them

  what subject they taught

  what was special about them

  and explain why this person influenced you so much.

  要去describe a teacher, 我们最好先思路清晰的把老师分为一下几种类型,在雅思口语考试的时候考生就能更好的充分的去描述老师。


  knowlegeable 渊博的

  professional 专业的

  rigorous 严谨的

  logical 逻辑严密的

  strick 严厉的

  serious 严肃的

  old-fashioned 古板的 (男女生怎么能做同桌?!)


  humorous 幽默的

  energetic 活力四射的(下课了,老师说:再讲两分钟,就两分钟!)

  salivate uncontrollably 唾沫横飞(前排的童鞋每天都被洗头,也是挺不容易的~)

  make lively gestures 手舞足蹈(光靠一张嘴说怎么够?)


  gentle 温和的,文雅的

  elegant 优雅的

  considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的(学科老师兼生活老师)

  friendly 友好的(老师也可以做朋友哟!)


  charming 迷人的

  handsome 帅气的(女生最爱)

  stylish 时髦的(据观察:该老师穿的衣服就没重复过!)


  innovative 创新的

  creative 有创造力的


  devoted 乐于奉献的

  patient 耐心的

  responsible 负责的

  diligent 勤奋的

  雅思口语考场再现:My foreign English teacher is not onlystylish, innovative and creati...




  为了进一步推动我国大学英语教学,适应国家改革开放的需要,使学生更加重视英语口语学习,获得较强的交际能力,经教育部高等教育司批准,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会开始实施口语考试(CET- Spoken English Test),由于近年参加口语考试的门坎进一步降低,每年都有更多考生开始面临参加口语考试的机会。那么如何准备口语考试呢?以下是本人大学期间参加口语考试的一些想法,希望能对有机会获此殊荣的同学有所帮助!


  1. 心理准备


  2. 热身







托福口语题型 托福口语题目 托福口语



  Independent Topics题型

  Independent task 1是Free Choice题,要求考生就某一常规话题用英语做45秒钟的陈述。考生对于这道题的准备应主要集中在people、place、object、event (人、地、物、事)这几个大方面。建议考生扎实准备OG、Longman 综合教程以及口语特训等教材上的题目,虽然在考试时直接考到它们的几率并不大,但是在复习过程中准备过的具体内容在考场上的作用却非常大。比如 “Describe the place you live in”与“Which city do you travel to most”、“Who is the person you admire most”与“Whom would you choose to visit for one hour”就可以相互借用大部分内容。

  Independent task 2是Paired Choice题,也就是要求考生在提供的两个选择中选择自己喜欢的一个,并用details和examples支持自己的观点。如“ If you could choose to live in the city or live in the country areas, which lifestyle would you prefer and why”,考生需要做的是迅速确定自己的立场,其余的按照 Free Choice的准备就可以了,同时比Free Choice更好的表述是考生可以采用“抨击”另一种观点的方式来准备details,如考生可以陈述live in the city的不好来表达自己的观点——I prefer to live in the country。但是,本题在某些时候以“Do you agree or disagree”或者“compare and contrast”的形式出现,对于后者而言,考生不必表明自己的观点,只要陈述出两种选择的可比之处并加以诠释就可以了。

  Integrated Tasks题型

  第3~6题主要考查考生对于题目的认知程度,并依据reading和listening部分做好的notes进行有条理的、清晰的复述,或者加上自己的观点。对于考生来说,一定要充分理解题目,熟悉考题要求,充分理解它们分别要求自己做什么事情。首先,ETS 明确3、4题都不允许有任何的personal view,因此不允许出现“I think (I believe, I presume, I consider.。。)”或“As far as I’m concerned.。。”、“In my opinion.。。”之类的表达方式。而第5、6题则可根据具体要求加入考生的个人观点。

  第3题要求考生在45秒之内读完一则 notice或者 announcement,然后听一段对话或者monologue(独白),在听力材料中,说话者将就阅读材料里提到的决定发表看法。而题目通常都是要求考生对于说话者的观点进行陈述,并且要求考生复述出他或她(们)...


托福口语黄金80题 托福口语题型 托福口语


  1.Describe a book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain 
the reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

  2.Which of the following statements do your agree with? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Some believe that TV programs have a positive influence on modern society. Others, however, think that the influence of TV 
programs is negative.

  3.Describe the most important decision that you have made in your life. Why 
was it important to you? Use specific examples and details to support your 

  4.Some people believe that the high school should teach music and art as 
other basic science. Some people think that providing music and art education for high school students is not necessary. What is your opinion and why?

  5.What do you do in your spare time? Please include specific details in your statement.

  6.Some people think that it’s necessary to prohibit people from using phone calls in some places. Others believe that it’s inconvenient if phone calls are forbidden in some places. Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why. Your statement should include specific examples and details.

  7.Describe a celebration or moment which has made a deep impression on you. Please explain the impression and include specific examples and details in you explanation.



雅思口语话题 雅思口语 七台河雅思考试


  雅思口语话题:Interesting Story On TV

  Describe an interesting story you saw on TV

  You should say:

  what the story was ①

  when you watched it ②

  who was in the story ③

  and explain why you remember it ④

  ① I'm pretty sure everyone got a clue of what "The Terminator" is about.

  ② The story is about the war between Human and Cyborgs:A terminator is sent from the future to prevent John Connor being borned. John Connor is the leader of those who fight against the terminators. The terminator's job is then to hunt down the mother of the leader, Sarah Connor.

  ③ I first saw the film version at the age of six or seven and unsurprisingly it confused me. A few years later I caught it again on Television and loved it. I was browsing through New Oriental School's video stores a few months ago and it caught my eye and brought me back to childhood.

  ④ This is the most groundbreaking action TV back in the day. The story develops quickly and each character is different. I watched closely to understand what's happening and there's no way you could fall asleep.There are good performances and tons of humorous bits throughout the episodes that lighten up such a suspenseful, frightening story.

  "Terminator" is an impressive masterpiece because it offers me food for meditation. Science now p...


高考时间 2014七台河高考 2014七台河高考时间


省份 6月7日 6月8日 6月9日
9:00-11:30 15:00-17:00 9:00-11:30 15:00-17:00 9:00-11:30 15:00-17:00
黑龙江 语文/汉语文 数学 文综/理综 外语 朝鲜语文/




托福口语机经 托福机经 托福口语



  1. 好老师的character

  1. What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have?

  1. 说一个你敬佩的人的好性格

  1. 你最崇拜的人是谁?

  1. An older people you respect

  1. 描述你的role mode

  1. 对你影响最深刻的人。

  1. Describe the person who have had positive impact on you

  1. (Important) characteristic of friends;

  1. 问好朋友什么最重要?loyalty,honest还是humor

  1. Who would you love talking with? What do you talk about?

  1. What qualities should a leader have?

  1. 遇到困难时,找谁寻求建议,你为何value that person’s advice

  1. 说说作为team member一个重要的quality

  1. many students do volunteer work, 问what kind of volunteer do you want to be?

  2. 人是被电视、报纸、广播上的信息影响得多,还是家人朋友得影响多

  2. Get advice from family and friends/learning through personal experience, which one do you prefer?

  2. Do you agree or disagree, the most important influences that young adults have are from their families.

  2. Family can help young adults a lot(大概是这意思),agree or disagree?

  2. Do you always make friends who have different interests from you? Why?

  2. 你是愿意当leader 还是当follower.

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: artists and musicians are useful nowadays 大概这样.


  1. Power and money is the def...


常用英语口语 英语口语




  1.With the help of 在~~帮助下

  under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下

  2.be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格

  be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格

  3. at present=at the present time 目前

  for the present 暂时

  4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下

  under the sun 在世界上

  5. lie in 位于~~之内

  lie on 同~~接壤

  lie to 位于~~之外

  6. at least 至少

  in the least 丝毫,一点

  7. by name 名叫

  in the name of 以~~名义

  8. in the air 空中,在流传

  on the air 播出

  9. in the way 挡路,障碍

  in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上

  get one’s own way to do 随心所欲

  give way 让步,屈服

  lose one’s way 迷路

  by the way 顺便说一下

  on one’s way to 在去~~的路上

  Come this way 这边走

  10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角)

  in the corner 在角落里(内角)

  on the corner 在角落上(外角上)


  1.judge by / from 根据~~来判断

  judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断

  2. at the end (of) 在~~结束时

  at the beginning of 在~~开始时

  at the back of 在~~背后,支持

  at the age of ~~岁时

  at the foot of 在~~脚下

  at the bottom of 在~~底部

  at the top of 在~~顶上

  at/on the edge of 在~~边上

  3. in the course of 在~~过程中

  in the eyes of 从~~观点看来,在~~眼里

  in the face of 面对~,尽管,纵使

  in the middle of 在~中间

  in the end =at la...
