Mad laughter follows the drought of tears.透支了眼泪,我们便会没心没肺的笑。~~hi,你喜欢这样的短句吗?出国留学网的编辑为此仔细地整理了以下内容《个性英语的心情短语76条》,希望能帮助到你的学习和工作!
1、Dar1ing讓我用壹生的時間對迩說I 1ov3 you.
2、And missing you is like fighting a war.想念你像是一场争战。
3、Time cures all wounds时间治愈所有创伤
4、Growth is a song,sing all separation and joy in union .成长是一首歌,唱尽悲欢离合。
5、believe noting is impossible我相信没有什么不可能
6、There are rules to this way of life. And if you are not prepared live by them, then it's not the right life for you.每种生活都有它自己的规矩。如果你不愿意守规矩,那么这种生活就不适合你。
7、If you love somebody, don't let them slip away.
8、am your air (我是你的空气)
9、want to see I'm looking for the so-called future better
10、to be or not to be ,that is a question.生存还是毁灭,这是个值得考虑的问题。
11、People laugh and smile face remnants.(脸残笑,笑苍生。)
12、unavoidable damage。
13、Behind the ornate.Not the vicissitudes of life.But dirty.
14、For you I forget the past. Although very upset.为了你我忘掉过去。虽然很烦心。
15、If you can, only wish this lifetime, only delivery to you.
16、Can not see, hear, bother overcare.
17、Wound wound wound hurt several times also once and for love.
18、The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places。生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方会变得更坚强。
19、Don't give up and don't give in.
20、In my heart was in my eyes I ever let you choose.入我心还是入我眼我从来都是让你选
21、Smile though ...