汉阳大学(Hanyang University),是一座有着近80年悠久历史的学校。在韩国各大学中的综合实力始终名列前茅。其工科实力一直位居韩国大学榜首,还是韩国三大戏剧院系之一。汉阳大学被誉为韩国的麻省理工,是最著名的韩国私立综合大学之一。为什么要选择汉阳大学呢?下面是出国留学网(m.liuxue86.com)为大家整理的选择汉阳大学的四大理由,供大家参考。
Hanyang University faces new millennium with its 70 years of academic experiences
Along with farsighted leaders who have lit up the darkness for our people, and proud alumni who have given their alma mater fame in every corner of the world, the long history and tradition of Hanyang University has been the source of power that nurtures and spreads the ideals and aspirations of its students.
The deep emotion carried by Hanayng University as it faces the approaching millennium is unique in itself. Encountering the 21st century era of information and internationalization, it is pushing ahead step by step preparing to take-off as a world-renowned private institution, in name and in reality that embraces the world in its heart.
汉阳大学承载的深深的情感,它面临着即将到来的独一无二的新时代。面对 21 世纪的信息化和国际化,汉阳大学正努力一步一步准备腾飞为世界著名的私立大学,从内心深处拥抱这个世界。
The Pride of Hanyang 汉阳之光
Number of professionals in the Korean national database : 4th