韩国亚洲大学是一所综合性的私立本科大学,想去亚洲大学留学首先就要申请签证,那么申请亚洲留学签证有哪些注意事项呢?下面是出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com 为大家整理的亚洲大学签证申请须知,供大家参考。
Application of Issuance of Visa
Qualification for Stay : D-2 Study Visa
Agency of Application : Korean missions abroad
※ A certificate for recognition of visa issuance should be applied for to the Director General of the district immigration bureau in Korea
Application : Applicant himself/herself or his/her representative
Required Documents for Application
- Certificate from last school attended (diploma)
- Certificate of Admission : Issued only to those among passing applicants who completed registration by the graduate
school(Includes financial certifications)
※ You can get more detailed information about visa by visiting http://www.hikorea.go.kr/
Matters to be Noted
All documents necessary for application for admission must be submitted with the original and documents in Korean or in languages other than English must be submitted after being notarizied in Korea and being translated into English.
Admission will be denied when the information on the required documents is proven to be false or other facts concerning admission though dishonest methods are revealed...