With technology moving faster than ever, it’s hard to imagine what careers will look like 20 years from now. With help from foresight strategists, The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan (CST)took a look into the future to find the jobs that may be commonplace by the year 2030.
They examined macro and micro trends that “appear to be shaping the future。”These trends include aging and demographic changes, climate and energy changes, immigration and globalization, digital technology, scientific and technological advances, personalization resulting from leveraging big data, security, and stability。
Here are nine jobs that will likely be available in 2030, according to CST:
1. Tele-surgeon: These surgeons operate on people remotely with robotic tools instead of human hands。
2. Nostalgist: Nostalgists are interior designers specializing in recreating memories for retired people. The elderly of 2030 who don’t want to reside in a typical “retirement village” will have the luxury of living in a space inspired by their favorite dec...