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  Education of young people is a highly prioritized in many countries. However educating adults who cannot write or read is even more important and governments should spend more money on this. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Many countries prioritize mainly the education of children. However,some people opine to have societies start funding iliterate adults to learn. I agree with the view and, this essay will explain the reasons for adult schooling.

  Firstly, when a person struggles with reading or writing, social impacts are profound. Over a while, they develop low self-esteem, feel emotions such as shame and fear: For example, being iliterate, the individual would avoid situations where they have to communicate and make decisions.Secondly, unlearned adults are more susceptible to live destitutely. In developing countries, people living in poverty are either unemployed or work in low-skilled jobs. As a result of unemployment and to make ends meet, children are sent to work, while others get involved in theft and other crimes. With the funds, they can study in vocational training schools to develop skills to earn a decent living; and literacy training which raises reading proficiency.

  Lastly, uneducated i...



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  Maintaining public libraries is a waste of time since computer technology is now replacing their function. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  For centuries libraries are in the service of man; these libraries are the repositories of never-ending knowledge known as books. Some people opine that we can do away with traditional libraries because technology has given us the facility of virtual or online libraries. I, however, believe that even though technology has reduced our need to go to the libraries, our traditional libraries can never become redundant.

  With the advent of new technologies in the field of computers and telecommunications, revolutionary changes have taken place in the feld of Library and Information Science. The shape of traditional libraries containing a large number of printed documents is in the process of being transformed into paper-less libraries containing a large number of digitized documents. The facilities offered by networking have not left libraries untouched. Modern libraries are not only digitized but networked also. This has led to the creation of virtual libraries, i.e., libraries without walls through which the user has access to information at any time, ...



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  Task 1


  Task 2


  Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, while other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen on TV and the Internet. Discuss both views and give your opinion?


  We live in a multifaceted society that. has its own cultural and traditional values. Traditions that vary from place to place are unique in their own form. These norms and distinctive cultural values attract people to visit different places in order to learn more which is laudable, but others believe that we live in a digital world know where all the information is available through paper and print media then there is no point to visit those places physiclly. This essay will analyze both viewpoints to understand their merits before presenting an opinion.

  People believe that culture can be best understood when one physically visits that place. Proponents of this viewpoint argue that films and books do not cover all the aspects and often show only positive attributes and customs of a place. Cultural values and traditions are best analyzed when we live: with them and participate in their festivals, religious gatherings, weddings, and other events. Moreover, they say that books an...



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  介绍city park变化前后

  大作文:In education and employment, some people work harder than others. Why do some people work harder? Is it always a good thing to work hard?


  It is true that some people work hard while others prefer not to push themselves beyond a certain limit. There are various reasons for these different attitudes to work, In my view, passion for one's work is desirable in an employee, but too much hard work can be counter-productive and unhealthy.

  There are three main reasons which encourage people to work hard.First, some people work extra shifts to earn more money. They believe that they can buy comforts for themselves and for their families with the extra income earned. Second, newly employed people work for long hours to reach the employer's targets to secure their job. They fear that their employer will replace them with more competent people if they fail to reach the target. Finally, there are people who are very passionate about their careers and work. They work mindlessly on passing the time or their family commitments to achieve their career goals and earn higher social status.

  However, people who work hard usually face serious problems at the workplace and at home. To begin with, people doing long shifts are more likely to commit ...



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  TASK 1 :饼图

  澳洲不同年龄层的人使用Twitter Facebook YouTube的占比。

  TASK 2 :

  More and more people are becoming overweight. Some people suggest that increasing the price of fattening food is a solution, to what extent do you agree or disagree?


  There is no doubt that many people are getting too fat these days, whichis the most serious health concern. In order to address this problem, some opine that the prices of unhealthy foods should be increased. While I agree with this point to some extent as this can stop people from eating too much fast food, I would also argue that other measures are necessary to uproot this mammoth problem.

  To begin with, if the price of junk foods that make people corpulent is increased, they will seldom buy these types of items because of the high cost. A recent survey published in Hindustan Times, a well-known Indian newspaper, gives evidence that by imposing an extra tax on high-calorie foods, like burgers, cakes, and pastries, the Delhi government encouraged their residents to cut the consumption of these food items by half. However, this cannot fully overcome the issue of overweight/obesity because it is nearly impossible to stop people from craving fast foods even after increasing their prices.

  Nevertheless, the other method t...



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  Task 1: Bar chart (动态柱图)2005,2010,2015年某国观看各种体育活动的人数变化。

  Task 2: Some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think university education should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.


  Introduction: There are differing views on the focus of university education: on academic study or on employment skills.

  Body-1: 讨论大学教育应该教育学生学术性课程

  1. 大学的功能之一就是知识的传递和创新。教授学术性课程的过程就是知识传递给下一代的过程,在下一代接受了这些教育之后,也能为未来的创新打下坚实的基础。

  2. 学术性课程的学习也助于学生的发展。For example, students learn about how things work through the study of physics, and through the study of history, they learn about how societies and countries were formed and how past events shaped them.

  但是,我不同意大学教育应该only focus在学术学习上,因为培养学生的job skills也同样重要。(注意这里有一个转折,明确否定了only, 自然的引出另一个观点)

  Body-2: 为什么教授skills for employment也很重要

  1. 从社会角度来讲,大学需要为社会培养合格的工作者。比如大学需要为社会培养医生,教师,律师和工程师等等,以满足社会发展的需要,这就要求大学教育要有专业性和应用性,方能满足需求。

  2. 从学生角度来讲,大多数人上大学的目的之一就是在毕业后获得好的就业机会。所以教会学生更好的就业技能方能满足学生的需求。如果大学不能帮助学生提升就业能力并找到更好的工作,可能很多人都不会上大学,尤其是在一些学费昂贵的国家。 In conclusion, 学术性学习是大学教育的一部分,但我不同意是唯一的一部分,同时大学教育还应该兼顾培养学生的就业能力。


  Some pepl...



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  1989-2009 年,不同目的前往英国旅游的海外游客数变化。

  A 类大作文


  A family has a great influence on children's development, but the influence from outside of home plays a bigger part in children's life. Do you agree or disagree?




  A family has a great influence on children's development, but the outside of home plays a bigger part in children's life. Do you agree or disagree?(2019.11.16)


  Children are influenced by a variety of individuals in this day and age ranging from family members to friends and even teachers and strangers. Whether or not the impact from family or outside the home plays a larger role in children’s lives will be debated.

  The majority of youngsters spend a large chunk of their time at home, particularly younger kids, meaning they are more exposed to the behaviour and customs of their relatives, including their parents, grandparents and other extended family members. When children are young, especially under the age of five, they are capable of learning at a quicker rate than when they get older, not to mention their minds are developing rapidly at this stage. Moreover, it has been said that parents are the first teachers of children, which is a fairly accura...



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  该图显示了人们在两个特定年份选择在英国城市进行的在线活动:2007 年和 2009 年。


  Some people say advertising has positive economic effects. Others think it has negative social effects because it will make people dissatisfied with who they are and what they have. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


  该条形图比较了人们在2007年和2009年这两年内选择参加英国城市的在线活动。总体而言,在线购物在过去两年中一直是最受欢迎的在线活动中排名最高的位置 ,而出现的用户比例却更高他专注于娱乐,包括视频游戏,聊天和电视。

  2007年,有相当大比例的人出于某些实际目的使用互联网:网民享受在线购物的比例最高,约为43%;第二名的是在线阅读书籍,占35%,其次是银行业和学习。分别为 34% 和 30%。其余 25% 的互联网用户分布在电子游戏和电视之间,分别占 15% 和 10%。

  与此形成鲜明对比的是,到2009年,大多数在线活动吸引了更大比例的用户,而阅读书籍和在线学习则略有下降约5%,分别 占30%和25%。尽管如此,2009 年网上购物、银行业务和看电视的类别都出现了显着增长,每一项都增长了 10% 左右。



  Some people think advertising has positive economic effects. Others think it has negative social effects because it makes people feel dissatisfied with who they are and what they have. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

  Nowadays, there is much disagreement over the effects of people believe that advertising exerts the beneficial effect in the economy, but others believe that some negative social effects may be incurred by advertising. I will discuss both points of view before giving my ...



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  TASK 1 :流程图


  TASK 2 :Many people think that the best way to learn a culture is to learn the language of what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Understanding one's culture is a significant issue nowadays. Making headway with this, especially the pressure of modern life, some are convinced that speaking the language is the way to learn the culture.

  Language is pivotal, but I believed that there are more signifcant things that a people can bear in mind when adapting the culture.Learning a language is an effective way for us to understand one nation's culture represented by the language. Language is intimately bound up with culture. When one language learner knows the evolution of a language in one culture, this person will understand the logic of one culture.

  Those language learners will not thoroughly integrate into a culture unless they can properly use an expression and know when to use sarcasm,shorten a vocabulary, and avoid a word.Despite the importance of learning a language to understand one culture, living in a country can also be an excellent way to understand the local culture. We can understand why people from conservative countries need to cover their hair, as we...



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  主题:Auto manufacturing hours


  People should look after their health as a duty to the society where they live, rather than their own benefits. What extent do you agree or disagree?






  Nowadays, being healthy has evolved as a major concern to many. Generally, I do believe that leading a healthy lifestyle is not only a personal matter, which is more of an obligation to one’s own community and the society as a whole.

  Staying healthy has never been so important since the global outbreak of corona-virus. This is because living a longer life is not something that can be taken for granted anymore. After all, longevity is a common desire to most of the general public, which is shown is the high number of fitness centers and hospitals. Besides, the modern world we live in is undoubtedly stressful, and having the ability to handle stress by working out regularly and eating healthily cannot be emphasized too much. Therefore, I think people shou...

