

出国留学 留学专业 创意类专业优势


  The Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani, whose ‘Reclining Nude’ recently sold at Christie’s for $170,405,000, was commonly known among Parisians as ‘Modi’ – a pun on his name’s resemblance to the French maudit (i.e. cursed). Living up to his nickname, Modi died at 36 of tuberculosis, sans un sou and possibly in a garret.

  Don’t be maudit like Modi – choose a creative career that pays while you’re still alive to reap the benefits! Contrary to popular belief, careers in the creative industries can actually be very lucrative, if you have the right contacts, skillset and know where to look. Here are five of the highest-paid creative jobs you should consider before reaching for that bottle of absinthe…

  意大利画家Amedeo Modigliani最近在克里斯蒂拍卖行以17040万美元的价格出售了他的“裸身”,这在巴黎人中被称为“莫迪”,这是他的名字与法国m审计(即诅咒)的相似之处。他的绰号“莫迪”死于结核病,享年36岁。他的名字叫“无伦”,可能还在一个阁楼里。


  1. Creative director

  The payslip: According toPayScale.com, creative directors in the US have high average starting salaries of roughly US$44,000, with average US$83,000 earnings of a year. The figure can rise up to US$163,000, depending on employer, industry and bonus packages.

  The job: Creative directors conceptualize creative projects in graphic design, media, music or advertisin...

