

美国奖学金 加州大大学奖学金 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校


  Scholarships provide critical support to the success of students at UCSB. Due to the generous support of donors, students have received over $2.2 million in scholarships.

  The following list includes a variety of resources for scholarships, including University scholarships as well as scholarships from outside agencies.

  Fall scholarships received more than 10 days prior to the first day of classes will be handled as follows:

  Scholarships WILL NOT disburse until 7-10 days prior to the first day of classes.

  Scholarships for students not enrolled in sufficient units at or before census date WILL BE RETURNED to the scholarship agency.

  Scholarships received for individuals we cannot verify as students WILL BE RETURNED to the scholarship agency upon receipt.


