《weeds》讲述的是一个住在洛杉矶郊外的单亲母亲,为了维持家里的生计做起了贩卖大麻的生意,最终成为一代毒枭的传奇故事。剧名weeds除了指代大麻以外,同时隐射“widow's weeds”(寡妇的黑色丧服),象征的是不屈不挠顽强生存的杂草精神。
It started with Sam Fuller's "Naked Kiss", circa 1964. But it is not until after "American Beauty" that a sardonic view of suburan life has become mainstream. Then screens big an small have been flooded with cliched attacks on middle-class respectability. If "Weeds" has been built on this premise alone, the jokes would have got tiresome pretty quickly. But noooo-nooo-nooo-no!
The best jokes in "Weeds", in fact, have little to do with suburbia per se. As good jokes should be, they are more whimsical to fit into any easy social category. For example, where does the battery-for-dildo bit belong in the grand themes of contemporary American sociology? Or the situational joke of having Celia sitting down with the "Tennis Pro" for endless rounds of drinks, while the pendulum of her anger sways between her husband and his mistress?
Sometimes the writers let the same joke run a bit tired, like Celia's several fond farewells to her breasts. Then some of the actions ascribed to a character are not well thought out enough to be plausible; example: Nancy smashing the DV with her husband's memory. Sure, someone can do that and it wouldn't invalidate their emotions; but in t...