巴黎政治大学(法文全称Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris,俗称“Sciences Po”)培养了众多法国社会精英,其中包括部分法语总统、总理。前任法国总统萨科奇、希拉克,联合国前秘书长加利都曾就读于巴黎政治大学。在法兰西第五共和国,6位总统中有4位曾就读政治学院。巴黎政治学院设有12个擅长多学科综合与比较研究中心,在政治学、社会学、经济学和历史学以及法律五大学科领域享有国际盛誉。下面出国留学网小编为你介绍巴黎政治大学学士课程。
Bachelor's degree programme
Two years in France, one year abroad
The Sciences Po Undergraduate College offers a three-year undergraduate programme. Students spend the first two years on one of Sciences Po’s seven campuses in France, and are then required to spend their third year abroad studying in one of Sciences Po's 470 partner universities.
巴黎政治大学本科学院提供三年制本科课程。学生在巴黎政治大学的7个校区度过前面2个学年,然后需要在第三学年去 Po's 470 partner中的一所学校学习。
Multidisciplinary studies with an international focus
The educational programme at the Sciences Po Undergraduate College includes a common core of social sciences courses - law, economics, history, political science, humanities and sociology - as well as specialised courses according to specific regional focuses:
Central and Eastern Europe on the Dijon campus
Asia on the Le Havre campus
Middle-East and Mediterranean on the Menton campus
Europe & Franco-German Region on the Nancy campus
Latin America (fr) on the Poitiers campus
Africa on the Reims campus
North America on the Reims campus
The P...