佛罗伦萨大学始建于1321年,是一所崭新却拥有古老历史的大学。初名Studium florentinum,后通过1923年的一条法律正式更名为佛罗伦萨大学(意大利语:Università degli Studi di Firenze)。学校设有12个学院,现有注册学生约60,000人。佛罗伦萨大学是意大利最重要现代化高等学府之一。下面出国留学网小编为你介绍佛罗伦萨大学大学国际留学生课程。
International Degree Programmes
Following its internationalisation process and through specific agreements with the foreign academic institutions involved, the University of Florence can offer the following programmes in academic year 2016-2017:
Joint degree programmes (titolo congiunto)
Double degree programmes (doppio titolo)
Courses taught in English
Joint degree or double degree
These are two possible ways to earn a degree "integrated" with a foreign university. The "integrated" programme entails a inter-university degree ruled by a specific agreement between the two universities.
In case the outcome is a joint title, students are issued a single diploma signed jointly by both institutions. Alternatively, depending on the reciprocal agreements, for the same kind of title students can also be issued with two diplomas (double diploma mode).
In programmes that feature the issue of a double title, each of the two institutions supply a separate national d...