墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne),简称墨大,始建于1853年,是世界50强的名校之一和世界上最令人刮目相看的研究大学之一,2015年USNews全球高校排名为32,2015QS世界大学排名全球第33位。墨大坐落于澳大利亚的墨尔本市,是澳大利亚历史第二悠久的大学(仅仅晚于悉尼大学三年),是维多利亚州最古老的大学,也是澳大利亚六所砂岩学府之一。此外,墨尔本大学是澳大利亚唯一一个所有学科都在全球排名前30的大学,大量的澳洲私人捐款与联邦政府教育拔款更为墨大奠定了这一基础。
Admission requirements
All students applying for a course at the University of Melbourne must satisfy the entry requirements for that course. You may also be eligible for admission with credit depending on your previous studies and experience.
Entry requirements: International undergraduate
Minimum requirements for entry
To be eligible for entry to an undergraduate degree you must fulfill all of the following requirements:
1.Complete the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or an equivalent Australian or overseas qualification (see qualifications below)
2.Complete and achieve the required grades in each of the prerequisite subjects for the course and any prerequisite tests, interviews or auditions (see Course Search for details about prerequisite subjects and scores)
3.Meet the English Lang...