study and work
house and apartment,your favorite room
writing skills and communication
how to keep healthy?(疑似换题题目)
trees and forest(疑似换题题目)
a type of music that is popular in your country
a decision you regret about(疑似换题题目)
a place people go to to listen to music(疑似换题题目)
a special meal (part3 eat at home or restaurant?)
a famous artist in your country(疑似换题题目)
a polite person
a rule at school you agree or disagree with(part3:rules 疑似换题题目)
a person with an important job
an important plant in your country
a traffic jam
the first time you met a close friend of yours
a good parent you know
口语回忆1、澳大利亚:part1:耐心,学生或工作,最好的时间学习。 part2:what you do stay health Part3:和健康有关的探讨
口语回忆2、墨尔本RMIT考场:p1:哪来?住house还是apartment?喜欢森林吗?在中国哪些地方有树木?p2:a rule made by school p3:学校应不应该制定rule?公司应不应该制定rule?你觉得是否应该制定这些rule?
口语回忆3、in Hobart, Australia. Section 1, talking about trees. Do you think places with trees could attract more visitors? 2, describe one thing that makes you happy. 3, money and happiness. & do you reckon happiness comes from money or relationships?