梨花女子大学(Ewha Womans University)始建于1887年初,是韩国第一所女子大学,也是首尔历史最悠久的大学之一,其象征着韩国女性教育的最高标准,是公认的亚洲最好的女子大学。在韩国,梨花女子大学象征着智慧与美丽并存的新时代女性教育的典范,以盛产韩国总统夫人而闻名。该校2014年QS亚洲大学排名中位于第39位。在新时代背景下,梨花女子大学也在朝一所真正国际化大学坚实迈进。下面是出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com 为大家整理的选择梨花女子大学国际学生申请须知,供大家参考。
Degree-Seeking International Students Program 国际留学生项目
1. Nationality
Female foreign nationals whose parents are both foreign nationality
2. Education
Applicants must (or be expected to) have acquired previous diploma before entering the school
3. Language Proficiency Requirement
Applicant must meet one of the following language requirements:
- Korean: TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) level 3 for undergraduate,
and level 4 for transfer students and graduate students,
- Completing level 4 or above Korean Language Intensive program in Ewha Language Center
- English: TOEFL(iBT) 80, IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550
- High school diploma or bachelor’s degree from Korean or English speaking institutions
- Recognition as possessing sufficient proficiency in Korean or English language by Ewha Womans University
1. 国籍