One of the most important things a student should achieve while taking the TOEFLIBT speaking part exam is how to be able to speak logically. As a general rule in speaking, we are able to judge a person by the way he speaks. The common mistake student make is that they tend to speak without even thinking first. They answer in haste to a question thrown to them without even processing both the question and the answer. Many would agree that “silent water runs deep。” This means that people who talk less tend to speak with logic and authority than people who talk too much. Excellent answers for the test need not be lengthy, they can be short but they should be done with tact and really make a lot of sense. Most of the time, the answer becomes too long because of too much redundant words or phrases. Too much redundancy while taking the test will lessen your mark in the test. If vocabularies are too many, there is a greater risk of speaking foolishly. So, to be able to learn the strategies on how to speak logically, students should learn the following steps:
One crucial point to be able to speak logically i...