布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University)是英国一所知名的公立大学,也是世界300强大学,学校在泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名、QS世界大学排名、USNEWS全球顶尖大学排名等国际权威排名中都比较靠前。在招收留学生的同时,布鲁内尔大学也为留学生提供优质的奖学金。下面是出国留学网为大家整理并翻译的布鲁内尔大学国际优秀奖学金介绍,希望对你有帮助。
International Excellence Scholarship
Now open for 2017 applicants, deadline 31 May 2017 11:59pm (GMT)
Our goal is to provide over £110,000 of financial support to exceptional students.Thanks to the generosity of Brunel’s alumni and supporters, we are offering:
50 awards, which comprise a £3000 discount on the cost of tuition fees
Open to Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research students who are classed as overseas for fee purposes
Scholarship holders will represent Brunel as ambassadors throughout their time at the University
我们的目标是为成绩优异的学生提供110,000 英镑经济支助。得益于布鲁内尔大学校友和支持者的慷慨解囊,我们提供以下:
1.How do I apply?
First you must apply for one of our courses. We recommend you submit your application for a course by Friday 28 April 2017. This is so the Admissions team have enough time to assess your application and issue you with an applicant number, before the scholarship application deadline. Late scholarship applications will n...