

庆应义塾大学本科 庆应义塾大学课程 日本大学本科


  Keio offers over 200 courses and an ever-increasing number of degree programs delivered in English. This not only makes the university more accessible to students from abroad, it also fosters an atmosphere of global awareness and sensitivity among Japanese students.


  Undergraduate Degree Programs Offered in English


  Faculty of Economics

  Eligibility Requirements

  Applicants who meet one or more of the following requirements may apply to the PEARL programme.

  (1) Those who, by 21 September, 2017, have completed, or are expected to complete, 12 years of formal education in Japanese schools accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

  (2) Those who have completed, or are expected to complete, 12 years or more of formal education in foreign schools outside Japan by 21 September, 2017.

  (3) Those who, by 21 September, 2017, have completed, or are expected to complete, 12 years or more of formal education at schools for international students in Japan accredited by an international accrediting organization (WASC, CIS, or ACSI), or foreign schools in Japan accred...

