忠北大学成立于1951年9月27日,通过半个多世纪的沉淀,忠北大学在教育和研究领域都得到了普遍认可,成为了韩国主要的十所大学之一。现在忠北大学正在向世界一流大学的目标坚实前进。忠北大学每年会接收来自世界各地的留学生们,大家最关心的事之一也是住宿问题了。下面是出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com为大家整理的忠北大学宿舍详情,供大家参考。
Housing 宿舍
The CBNU Residence Halls are welfare facilities to provide a safe and inclusive living-learning community for students from other regions. The CBNU Residence Halls have been developed since built in 1984 for the first time.
The CBNU Residence Halls are located in three different areas and each is comprised of 2~4 separate buildings, with beautiful trees and fully-furnished rooms to make your experience the best possible!
CBNU 宿舍是为来自其他地区的学生提供一个安全和具有包容性的学习生活社区。CBNU 宿舍始建于1984年,随后一直在不断发展。
CBNU 宿舍有三个不同的宿舍区,每个宿舍区都有 2 ~ 4 栋独立的宿舍楼,被美丽的树环绕着,房间家具齐全,让你有最好的住宿体验!
Residence Halls