


  You are my big depend on(你是我的大依靠)。出国留学网的编辑花时间专门编辑了情侣的心情短语英文,希望本页面句子内容能帮助到您。在平凡的日常生活中里,很多人经常分享转发一些网络经典句子,通过句子表达我们的思想和想法。

  1、If you can, only wish this lifetime, only delivery to you.

  2、My heart never fails to be flooded.

  3、Why take dignity to retain a change of heart.

  4、You are my big depend on(你是我的大依靠)

  5、See see uncommon poems, gather together dowdy. No visit(看看世态,聚聚散散无人访。)

  6、My heart all the time not for you torture.

  7、The accumulation of bit by bit, every news about you.

  8、You are a fool fool fool fool is very sensible.

  9、Because a promise, the woman let I love all his life.因为一个承诺,这个女人让我爱了一辈子。

  10、If you can, only wish this life, hold your hand.

  11、don't need your handsome, only need you eliminate the emptiness of my right hand我不需要你的帅气,只需要你消除我右手的空虚

  12、Think of you, the corners of the mouth smile.

  13、will give you a happy future(〆会给你一个幸福的未来)

  14、For you I exhausting. Although very uncomfortable.为了你我倾尽所有。虽然很难受。

  15、Lonely, is a person's carnival.

  16、am your little dependence(我是你的`小依赖)

  17、Together we progress, now the earth is still let the sun in turn.

  18、Bit by bit to give up, about my joy.

  19、For you I forget the past. Although very upset.为了你我忘掉过去。虽然很烦心。

  20、Love, is used to love, not to hurt.

  21、See you, the in the mind will warm.

  22、Love a person too deep, the heart will be drunk.







  1、If there is no you, in my lonely lonely, who will give me the warmth of need.


  3、I am your little dependence(我是你的小依赖)‖You are my big depend on(你是我的大依靠)

  4、No matter where you are, I have only one turn away from you.

  5、You never know there is a power in your eyes, let me see you want to hold you.

  6、The day you left, I decided not to tears, against the wind and not to blink of an eye.


  8、Actully love can be expressed in many ways,your way is one of them.Sometimes it's not that he doesn't love you anymore,but you didn't understand his way of love.其实爱有多种方式,你的方式只是一种。有时候不是对方不爱你,而是你没有理解他爱你的方式。

  9、Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to——不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

  10、You are beside me, you are everything; you are in another place, everything is you.

  11、It sucks when you know that you need to let go but you can’t because you’re still waiting for the impossible to happen.你明明知道你需要放手却放不下,因为你还是在等待不可能的发生,这种感觉真的很难受。




情侣生日祝福语 英文生日祝福语 生日祝福语


  I rejoice with you and wish you a long and happy meaningful life.


  Don’t feel bad growing old. I am right behind you.


  We may grow old together, but as long as we are together, I feel young.


  Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well.


  Many happy returns of this special day. All our best wishes go to you on your birthday.


  We hope that you enjoy this special day and your birthday grows happier by the minute!


  Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life\'s way. May your birthday be happy in more ways than one.


  Wishing you a happy birthday! May the best and loving things be some of the joy your birthday brings.


  Warm wishes on your birthday. I send along my love and affection for you as well as a small gift. Take care!


  Happy birthday. May gladness fill your every hour on this special day.


  Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life.


