感恩节到了,首先我要感谢生我养我的爸爸妈妈,再要感谢教我培 养我的老师。
今天,我要感谢的是我的课外围棋老师,当我八岁的时候,我初次在05年迎“六一”少儿围棋比赛中,获得鼓励將时,从此便树立了我下棋的决心,使我恋上了围棋。我便拜 雷 老师为师,在他精心的教导下,我渐渐学会了“吃子、布局、收官……”由一个棋盲“门外汉”变成一个实力业余4段的小棋手,在屡次比赛中频频获奖。我记得获得最好的成绩是,全市升段赛和第六届、第八届的冠军,全省“临川晚报杯”第二名,国际上海邀请赛第六名,这些来之不易的成绩都是围棋老师的辛勤教育的功劳,我怎能忘记你们的教育之恩呢?
Thanksgiving Day is coming, I want to thank the father and mother who raised me first, and then to teach me to train my teacher.
Today, I want to thank my extracurricular go teacher, when I was eight, I first time in 5 years to meet "June 1" children's chess game, will get encouragement, has since set up my determination to play chess, and I love to go. I was a teacher, and under his careful teaching, I gradually learned to "eat, lay, collect... "From a blind" layman "to a small chess player of four segments, he often wins awards in several competitions. I remember to get the best result is that the rise period in the city and the sixth, the champion of the eighth, the province's "linchuan evening paper cup" the second, the international invitational tournament in Shanghai sixth, the h...