

托福考试 托福独立作文 托福作文预测



  近30场考试中,W2的生活方式话题出现的概率非常高,其次是教育话题 。由此可见ETS重点考察的还是生活和教育两大类话题。因此大家重点练习这两类话题就可以了.,具体详情请看下文。





托福考试 托福作文预测 托福考试预测




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problems to the public.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long career.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past.


  Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by people who will be willing to do what other group members want than by people who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way ...



托福作文 托福写作 托福作文预测





  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades encourage students to learn.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Improving education is the most important thing in the development of a country.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Advertisements that targeting children aged between 2 and 5 should be banned.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should assign homework for students every day.




托福作文 托福考试预测 托福作文预测



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The ability to maintain a small number of friends for a long time is more important to happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The opinions of celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to the younger people than they are to the older people.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is important to make sure that others know about your strength and accomplishments; if you are not so, you will be never successful in life.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and TV programs made in your own country are more interesting comparing to movies and programs made in other countries.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to reduce a...



托福考试 托福预测考试 托福作文预测



  1.The university clubs want to help others. If you are a member of them, which of the following would you prefer to choose? a. help young students in the nearby primary school b. help people to find a new house for rent c. help old people for caring them in daily life.

  2.Do you agree or disagree:Technology designed to make people's lives simpler but make people's lives more complicated.

  3.Should parents set strictly rule to make their children have successful life.

  4.Some students enjoy taking distance-learning courses on the computer or television. Other students would rather take all of their courses with a teacher in a classroom. Which of these options do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples in support of your opinion.

  5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Cooperative ability is more important than leadership in today’s world.

  6.Do you agree or disagree: college and universities must do a better job of prepa...



托福作文 托福作文预测 托福预测题目




  8月26号上午场: It is easier forpeople to maintain health now than in the past. 命中“古今对比” 话题;

  8月26号下午场:Modern agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.命中“环保类”话题;

  8月27号考题: Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problem to the public.命中“信息媒体类”话题

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should spend most of the time playing and studying, and they should not be required to do household chores, like cooking or cleaning.

  2. Some believe that teachers (for students from age 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students involved in discussion and encoura...



托福写作 托福作文预测 托福写作考试



  1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should spend most of the time playing and studying, and they should not be required to do household chores, like cooking or cleaning.

  2. Some believe that teachers (for students from age 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students involved in discussion and encourage them to exchange ideas in class. Which way of teaching do you think is more effective for students' learning?

  3. Some people like to study alone while other prefer to study in a group. Which one do you think is more effective?

  4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: students should be encouraged to take courses like science, technology, engineering and math that are likely to lead to job opportunities rather than subjects they might be interested in.

  5. Schools have always offered students three types of after-school acti...



托福作文 托福综合写作 托福综合写作预测


  2014年6月15日托福综合写作预测 1

  【主题】鲱鱼是一种经济鱼类,然而现在,在某个 bay,鲱鱼的数量大大下降,政府建议说应该限制鲱鱼的捕捞

  Reading : 文章反驳说这种说法达不到效果,原因有三 : (1)政府没有考虑到鲱鱼的 predator,有一种鱼吃掉了很大数量的鲱鱼,这才是鲱鱼数量下降的主要原因,所以应该控制鲱鱼的捕食者的数量;(2) 鲱鱼是 livestock 和 poultry 的主要蛋白质来源,如果限制了捕捞,那么很多farm 就得不到蛋白质来源,从而受到影响;(3)fishing limit 还会减少很多就业岗位,很多鲱鱼的捕捞者,加工者和交易商会因为鲱鱼产业的萧条而失去工作,这个产业提供了本地区的大多数就业机会,整个地区的经济会因此受到影响。

  Listening:(1)鲱鱼的 predator 是 part of the whole ecosystem,它的存在使很多其他种类的鱼的数量 under control。所以更好的做法还是限制捕捞,不要 disturb the balance of environment;(2)作为蛋白质来源,鲱鱼可以被 soybean 所替代。因为大豆对于 livestock 和poultry 来说也是很好的蛋白质来源并且大豆供给充足 。 Farm 根本不会受限制捕捞的影响;(3)文中说经济会受影响真是目光短浅。 这种 fishing limit 只是 temporary 的,目的只是为了让鲱鱼数量回到正常水平,一旦回到了正常水平,渔业又可以繁荣发展起来。如果现在不限制捕捞,以后整个经济才会真正的 collapse。

  2014年6月15日托福综合写作预测 2

  Passage: microcredit 不能解决贫困问题。

  1)borrower 没有 business skill,做生意很容易失败

  2)小额贷款会 increase 银行的 administration cost,是 inefficient 的。

  3)如果政府把钱投入 microcredit 里面,就不能投到其它方面了。

  Lecture: 文章说得不对。

  1)agencies 提供 other services,比如教 borrower 怎么记账,怎么利润最大化等等。

  2)文章说的问题很好解决:银行可以把钱借给由 4-5 个人组成的 small groups,这样在

  相同的 cost 下帮助了贫困的人。

  3)由于提供小额贷款的都是 agencies,政府其实在这方面 save 了 money,这样政府就


  2014年6月15日托福综合写作预测 3



托福预测 托福写作预测 2014年4月27日托福写作预测及范文


  Topic: Although new technology and science will continue to advance and improve people's life, the most significant improvement has been made.

  Technology and science are developing by leaps and bounds. Some people believe that as science develops, we will see tremendous improvement in terms of quality of life. But I believe that the most significant improvement has appeared---the computer. With the advent of computer, we are easier to receive quality education in an inexpensive way; we can conveniently keep in touch with our families and friends and we can entertain ourselves in various ways.

  To begin with, armed with computers, we can have easy access to quality education. The chance to receive superior education is a symbol of quality life. In the past, only children from wealthy and powerful families have the opportunity to study abroad. Nowadays, however, quality education can be gained when you turn on your computer. Take open classes/public classes as an example. I often watch open classes offered by top universities in the United States like Harvard and Yale University. Despite the fact that I live in China, I still have the opportunity to learn something new and exciting. Without computer, this kind of thing can never happen. In a word, computer enhances people’s quality of life by offering inexpensive and supe...



托福预测 托福作文预测


  1)The most important thing that the government can do in improving health care is to clean the environment.2008.6.22ML

  *2)A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.2009.2.27NA/2011.4.23ML(类似题目:选择稳定性高的工作好还是高工资但是很可能失业的工作好2010.10.31ML)

  3)Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.2009.2.28ML

  4)It's better to use own knowledge and experience to solve question, or ask other people for advice?2009.3.7ML

  *5)Should the government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development(医疗保障2009.9.26ML).2009.3.22ML

  6)Schools should add one course of culture of a country rather than their own.2009.5.16ML

  *7)Twenty years later, people living there will be more leisure time.2009.6.7ML

  8)People will feel happier when they finish a challenging or difficult work than they finish an easy work.2009.8.2ML

  9)Telephones are playing a more effective role than television in people's life.2009.8.21ML

  10)To achieve successful development of a country, a government should focus its budgets more on young children's education rather than on universities.2009.11.7NA/2011.8.21ML(To achieve successful development of country, a government should spend more money on young children's e...

