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  Computer security

  The myth of cyber-security

  Computers will never be secure. To manage the risks, look to economics rather than technology




  COMPUTER security is a contradiction(名词)in terms. Consider the past year alone: cyberthieves stole $81m from the central bank of Bangladesh; the $4.8bn takeover of Yahoo, an internet firm, by Verizon, a telecoms firm, was nearly derailed使脱轨by two enormous data breaches; and Russian hackers interfered in the American presidential election. 计算机安全是个自相矛盾的(形容词)说法。姑且只看下去年的情况:网络窃贼从孟加拉中央银行盗走了8100万美元;电信公司威瑞森(Verizon)以48亿美元收购互联网公司雅虎的交易差点因两起大规模数据泄露而泡汤;俄罗斯黑客干扰了美国总统大选。

  Away from the headlines, a black market in computerised extortion, hacking-for-hire and stolen digital goods is booming. The problem is about to get worse. Computers increasingly deal not just with abstract data like credit-card details and databases, but also with the real world of physical objects and vulnerable human bodies. A modern car is a computer on wheels; an aeroplane is a computer with wings. The arrival of the “Internet of Things” will see computers baked intoeverything from road signs and MRI scanners to prosthetics and insulin pumps. There is little evidence that these gadgets will be any more trustworthy than their desktop counterparts. Hackers have alre...



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  We’ve all heard the Biblical origin of Christmas, but societies have been celebrating life and birth in the darkest day in winter centuries before Jesus walked the earth.


  In the north country, this winter celebration was known as Yule. Around December 21st, the winter solstice, fathers and sons dragged evergreens indoors as reminders of life and set logs on fire as promise of a good fortune.


  Ancient Rome had its own December festivals. One week before the winter solstice, Romans begins celebrating Saturnalia, an orgy of food and drink in honor of Saturn, the God of agriculture.


  Some Romans particularly soldiers and government officials also worshiped Mithra, the sun god. It is believed that to this small but powerful sect, the birthday of Mithra,December 25th was the holiest day of the year.


  By the first century AD, pagan traditions were being challenged as Christianity took whole through the empire. But Christ’s birthday remained the mys...



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  BEIJING — A report that Beijing’s already notorioussmog contained bacteria with antibiotic-resistant genes spread through the city last weeklike pathogens in a pandemic disaster movie.


  “Drug-resistant bacteria make people very afraid,” The Beijing Evening News said in an articlereposted by Xinhua, the state news agency, after a scientific study by Swedish researchers drewinterest during yet another flare-up of hazardous smog.


  The study, published in October in the journal Microbiome, found antibiotic-resistant geneticmaterial in the smog but no evidence of live bacteria capable of infecting anyone.


  That did not make residents of Beijing feel much better, though.


  The actress Zhang Ziyi perhaps best summed up the feelings among many of Beijing’s 22million residents by writing on her Weibo account on Saturday that the smog made her want topick up her 11-month-old daughter and fly away. Ms. Zhang worried that it “made it easier toget sick.”


  By Monda...



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  The ability to manage money


  "I definitely think students should be financiallyastute before they get to college and have at leastread some books on money management," Bayorsays.


  She explains that, for many college students, thiswill be the first time many of them are controllingtheir finances, and the academic rigors maydistract them from doing so effectively.


  To better manage their money, Bayor says students should know how to create a budget, livewithin their means, and not accrue credit card debt.


  Time management


  "I also think students need to know how to balance their time, as college is about being fullyself-motivated and structuring time to finish papers and classwork without having anyonelooking over you to make sure you're doing the reading or completing assignments," Bayor says. "Your success is based on you."





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  This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. The writer O. Henry called it the one day that is purely American. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has spiritual meaning. Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving, or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families. They have a large dinner, which is the main part of the celebration.


  For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of a family gather. The holiday is a time of family reunion.


  Thanksgiving week is generally one of the busiest travel times of the year. Many Americans who usually visit family and friends by plane are driving shorter distances instead this week. Some mental-health experts say the attacks have frightened people. They say people feel safer and happier close to home.


  More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving is a celebration of family and home. Many people say that this year they are especially thankful for their families and friends and the good things in their lives. On Thanksgiving, people enjoy a long day of cooking, eating a...



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  There are few things like a bull market to turn aninvestor’s head.


  Just look at China.


  Having slumped almost 50 per cent from its peak last June to a low in early January, thebenchmark CSI 300 Index is now up 20 per cent.

  基准股指沪深300指数(CSI 300)去年6月见顶后,大幅下挫近50%,在今年1月初跌至最低点,到现在又上涨了20%。

  The memory-erasing qualities of this year’s rally in Shanghai will soon be given a real test as atrading link between Hong Kong and the stock market in Shenzhen will make it far easier forinvestors to gain exposure to the shares of Chinese companies listed on the mainland.


  The link to the Shenzhen market, or Stock Connect, as it’s known, could open as early as nextweek and, together with an existing trading link between Hong Kong and Shanghai, will be theonly direct route available for foreign investors to trade mainland stocks without priorapproval from authorities in Beijing.


  So will foreign investors be lining up to buy?


  Shenzhen versus Shanghai


  The drawcard for Shenzhen is greater access to some of China’s most sought-after technologycompanies, with some analysts viewing this as one reas...



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  A number of years ago oil was discovered on some Oklahoma property that belonged to an old Indian. All his life the old Indian had been poverty stricken, but the discovery of oil suddenly made him a very wealthy man. One of the first things he did was buy himself a bigCadillac touring car. In those days, the touring cars had two spare tires on the back. However, the old Indian wanted the longest car in the territory so he added four more spare tires. He bought an Abraham Lincoln stovepipe hat, added tails and a bow tie, and completed his outfitwith a big, black cigar. Every day he would drive into the hot, dusty, little Oklahoma cow townthat was nearby. He wanted to see everyone, and be seen by everyone. He was a friendly oldsoul, so when riding through town he would turn both left and right to speak to everyone in sight. As a matter of fact, he would turn all the way around and speak to folks. Interestingly enough, he never ran into anybody or over anybody. He never did any physical damage or any property damage. The reason is simple. Directly in front of that big, beautiful automobile, there were two horses—pulling it.

  很多年前,在俄克拉何马州属于一个老印第安人的地产上发现了石油。这位老印第安人一辈子贫穷,可是发现石油之后他一下子变成了大富翁。他做的第一件事就是给自己买了辆很大的卡迪拉克旅游汽车。那个时候,旅游汽车的后面有两个备用轮胎。可是,这位老印第安人希望他的汽车在当地是最长的,所以他又加了四个备用轮胎。他买了一顶亚伯拉罕 · 林肯大礼帽,穿上燕尾服,又打上领结,全套装备再配上一支大大的黑雪茄。他每天都会开车去附近一座作为牛市场的俄克拉何马小镇,那里不仅热得要命,而且灰尘满天。他想见到每一个人,也想每个人都见到他。他是位友善的老人,所以当他招摇过市的时候,他会左拐右拐去和...



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  "These aren't even that good. I think I could do better." That's one of the reasons I started writing. Because I was reading other articles and that thought came to mind. I've even thought that about books. Famous books. Brilliant books.


  Who the fuck am I to think that?


  That's my ego.


  And I'm grateful for it.


  Because I never would've started writing without it. I never would've found something I love to do without it. I never would've been able to quit my 9-5 without it.




  Sometimes I get too caught up in it. I'll let other people's accomplishments get inside me and make me feel bad. I become jealous. I become resentful.


  I let myself be tricked into think I'm not good enough, or doing enough, or being enough. That's when my ego becomes unhelpful.


  I don't think having an ego is good or bad.


  I think it's good and bad.






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  Hillary Clinton upstaged President Barack Obama with a surprise appearance at the end of his Democratic National Convention speech.


  The president and his one-time rival turned friend shared a long hug and paraded around the stage at the end of the night while Obama's 2008 campaign song, 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered,' blared over a loudspeaker.



  'America, you have vindicated that hope these past eight years. And now I’m ready to pass the baton and do my part as a private citizen,' he said. This year, in this election, I’m asking you to join me – to reject cynicism, reject fear, to summon what’s best in us; to elect Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States, and show the world we still believe in the promise of this great nation.'


  'Hillary knows we can insist on a lawful and orderly immigration system while still seeing striving students and their toiling parents as loving families, not criminals or rapists.'.


  'She k...



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  When you graduate, taking your first steps out of College or University into the big, bad world is, how to put it...a little bit messed up.


  In the post-graduation transition, it's easy to feel lost and confused.


  So here's how to remain confident and trust yourself, even in the middle of all the uncertainty and change that this brave new world brings.


  1. Stop feeling like you should have all the answers


  Uncertainty is the way things are, and trying to fight is like trying to fight an angry bear with a wet fish. It’ll just leave you exhausted, scared and broken. So relax a little. Understand that uncertainty is natural, and know that doing your best is plenty good enough as a response.


  2. Prioritise play over success


  Extrinsic success is easy, cheap even. So it's through play—through engaging with the things that make you feel joy or connected and experience more success than fitting in with expectations will ever give you.

  外在的成功来得容易、甚至可以说来得廉价。所以说,是通过游戏竞争、去参与你觉得开心和能带动你的事情, 去体验更多的成功,而不是去迎合外界带给你的期冀。

  3. Stop comparing


