

托福口写作小范围预测 托福写作预测 托福考试预测




  Reading: Harappan(哈拉帕,一个古代群落)衰落的原因:

  1. 游牧部落的侵略,而且Harappan 的画和其他东西都表明Harappan 没有军队;

  2. 气候变化导致农业减产,没有足够的剩余食物供养更多的人口;

  3. 流行病大范围传播,并且喝的水污染了,传染扩大。

  Listening: 反对:

  1. 被侵略的城市只是Harappan 的很小一部分,Harappan 很大,少部分被侵略不会影响整个群落的衰落;

  2. 同时期其他两个群落,如埃及和美索不达米亚也遇到了气候变化,但是他们适应了环境,他们能够生产出足够的食物来维持人口。

  3. 说Harappan 有足够的水源,而且Harappan 在过滤水方面很先进,因此大范围的污染是不可能的,而且传染病更不能大范围传播。


  The speaker contradicts the content in the reading paragraph, focusing on the three reasons for the demise of the Harappan people.

  Firstly, the statement in the reading paragraph says that evidence from their remaining paintings and other relics suggest they had no army and they couldn’t survive the intrusion. While based on the speaker’s account, the cities invaded only comprise a small part of the whole community, which will exert a minor influence on the whole, if there is any.

  Secondly, from the reading content, one reason why Harappan disappeared is due to severe and dramatic climatic change, which leads to sharp decline of food supply, and then it is not surprising that the community lost their base for a living. Conversely, the speaker argues against this assertion by introducing another two communities- Egypt and Mesopotam...

