20170506CN Task3(new) 阅读 标题:Laundry Room Renovation 学生们抱怨空间太小,机器太少, 等待时间长,所以决定把 Eastwood basement 扩建一下。期间暂时 停用,使用 Greenwood 的洗衣机。
听力 【听力】 态度:没必要 原因 1:只是周六日人多,需要排队,平时去人很少。 原因 2:Greenwood 要绕过校园。花费的时间很长,尤其是衣服多 的,可能需要走好几次,花的时间更长。
20170610CN Task3(new)
阅读 标题:Computer Repair Center should be open later
原因 1:students could work and study there longer in the evening
原因 2:it is not easy to find a computer repair staff
听力 人物:woman 态度:agree 原因 1: The girl once had to finish her history paper, which was due next day. However, her laptop collapsed and she handed her paper one day later. In the end, she got a very low score. 原因 2:Computer major could have more work experience if the center could be open later. This experience would be very valuable when they are looking for a job.
20170701CN Task3(new)
阅读 标题:University Close School Garden
原因 1:有些植物比较脆弱,由于踩踏破坏了它们的生长,关闭开放后 可以让它们恢复。 原因 2:同学们可以去草坪休息。
听力 态度:反对 原因 1:可以采用别的方法而不是关闭,比如建立栅栏,贴上让大家注 意的标志。 原因 2:草坪上没有 benches,很不方便,而且有土,不干。
20170114CN Task3(new)
阅读 标题:Weekend Art Workshop
原因 1:This will provide students whose majors are not art a relaxed environment to learn art without concerning about grade. 原因 2:This will give art-majored students more o...