

雅思考试 雅思口语 提高雅思考试分数的攻略


  How to do Better in the IELTS Academic Speaking Test

  There are a number of things you can do to have a better performance in the IELTS Academic Speaking Test.

  First of all practice. This is the key to all the different modules of IELTS. Below you will find a separate section devoted to practising the speaking.

  When you are in the test, smile and look the examiner in the eye. Try and be friendly and look as though you are enjoying the conversation. This has a big effect on the examiner. If an examiner has to talk with someone who doesn't talk much, doesn't smile at all and who clearly doesn't want to be there, then it has a negative effect on the examiner. Being nervous is fine. The examiner understands that and will try and put you at ease. But be friendly. It makes a difference.

  Don't worry about the occasional mistake. The examiner will expect some mistakes - after all, English is a foreign language for you and people make mistakes in speaking foreign languages. The examiner is not making a note of every single mistake that you make. This would be impossible to do and concentrate on your speaking. He will more get a general impression of your English accuracy so individual errors don't matter. More important is your communication.

  You have to talk. Without your tal...

