NASHUA, N.H. — A cluster of public school districts in New Hampshire is radically redefining testing and accountability in a first-of-its-kind pilot project approved Thursday by the US Department of Education.
At a time when cries of “overtesting” from parents and teachers are growing louder across the nation, and when Congress is working to rewrite the federal education law known as No Child Left Behind, the experiment will be watched closely.
在全国教师和家长对过度测评的抗议声越来越大的时候,国会正致力于重新颁布一个名为“No Child Left Behind"的联邦教育法规,此法规在新罕布什尔州的试行将会受到密切关注。
“It fits into a much bigger conversation about ... how we can create a humane assessment system that’s useful to teachers but also useful to states and the federal government for holding schools accountable,” says Julia Freeland, a research fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, based in San Mateo, Calif.
克莱顿克里斯坦森研究所的工作人员Julia Freeland说:“这个试验将引起更多思考和讨论..比如我们怎样才能创造一个既对教师有益又能保持学校责任感的比较人性化的评估系统?”
One of the most promising aspects of the pilot is how it has paid attention to research on developing “intrinsic motivation in learners,” says Kim Carter, executive director of the Q.E.D. Foundation, a no...