一、General entry requirements on a Bachelor's degree or ongoing studies
To be eligible an applicant must either be a holder of - or be enrolled in his/her last year of studies leading to - a Bachelor's degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Architecture.
Note: The Master's programme in Entrepreneurship and Business Design is the exception to this rule as this programme admits applicants with Bachelor's degrees from other fields as well.
1.The degree must be equivalent to a Bachelor's degree (Kandidatexamen) according to Swedish regulations. It must, amongst other parameters, comprise a minimum of 3 years of full time studies (180 credits).
2.Applicants who are currently enrolled are welcome to apply given that they, at the time of applying, have a maximum of one semester left before completing their degree. They must anticipate completing their Bachelor's degree before the start of the Master's programme.
3.Applicants who are currently enrol...