出国留学网讯 在饮酒文化过度呈现的维吉尼亚大学校内,黑人学生成了警察无故关注的目标,Johnson的案件让种族歧视问题的讨论更加白热化,非洲裔学生开始集体抗议,呼吁保障黑人权利,黑人学生遭暴力甚至致命拘捕的现象还会再发生吗?
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. — Chanting “black lives matter” and raising their fists, more than 100 African American students walked out of a meeting with law enforcement officials here Friday, as the University of Virginia community expressed growing frustration in the quest for answers about the violent arrest this week of a black student.
The officers, with the state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, took the 20-year-old into custody early Wednesday on misdemeanor charges of obstruction of justice and public intoxication after a bouncer refused to let him into Trinity Irish Pub. Images of Johnson went viral through social media and have rocked the prestigious 23,000-student public university. An ABC special agent described Johnson in court documents as “very agitated and belligerent” at the time of the arrest.
警方在周三以妨碍执法为由拘捕了一个20岁的黑人学生Johnson, 他被警察暴力对待的形象迅速传遍网络并在维吉尼亚大学校内引起了轰动。
But the students who packed Friday’s meeting were irate. And many suggested that the case reflects a pattern of racial bias at U-Va. and elsewhere across the country. It came at a time of heightened awareness of racial profiling and amid widespre...