托福阅读素材:Atomic power stations that float on the ocean or are anchored beneath it may have advantages over those built on land.
Nuclear energy
Putting to sea
Atomic power stations that float on the ocean or are anchored beneath it may have advantages over those built on land
the events of March 11th 2011, when an earthquake and tsunami led to a meltdown of three nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant in Japan, you might be forgiven for concluding that atomic power and seawater don’t mix. Many engineers, though, do not agree. They would like to see more seawater involved, not less. In fact, they have plans to site nuclear power plants in the ocean rather than on land—either floating on the surface or moored beneath it.2011年3月11日,一场地震和海啸导致日本福岛第一核电站的三座核反应堆熔毁。假如你由此得出结论,称核能和海水不能搅和在一起,那也是情有可原。但许多工程师并不这么想。他们希望掺和进来的海水更多些,而不是更少。实际上,他们已经有各种计划,在海上而非陆地上建造核电站。这些核电站或是漂浮在海面上,或是停泊在海面下。
At first, this sounds a mad idea. It is not. Land-based power stations are bespoke structures, built by the techniques of civil engineering, in which each is slightly different and teams of specialists come and go according to the phase of the project. Marine stations, by contrast, could be mass-produced in factories using, if not the techniques of the assembly line...