March 12 is Arbor Day. On this day, sails to the white clouds in the sky like a canoe, slowly floating. The sun is warm, according to the earth. Xiaolan shoulder shovels, xiao Ming saplings, bought in one hand, another hand bucket, two people happily to the hills planting trees in the park.
一年一度的植树节即将临近,我们开始纷纷保护树林和树木。一大半的人认为只有在植树节才要保护树林和树木,我的观点却恰恰相反,我们不能只在植树节保护树林和树木,应该无时不刻的保护着树林和树木。 几亿年前,地球归动物所拥有的时候植物繁茂,到处生机勃勃,充满了绿色,但是,智商远远高出其他动物的人类出现后,植物像被施了魔法一样的急剧减少。那是因为,人类为了建造房屋,砍伐树木所造成的。
有的是因为商业需要,大批大批的砍伐树林留出空地,用来建造大楼。正因为许多人擅自砍伐树林和树木,所以大自然被破坏。 砍伐树木的坏处很多。大家都知道树木可以循环二氧化碳,如果大量砍伐树木,树木的数量就会急剧减少,我们呼出的二氧化碳无法得到循环。茂密的树木可以阻挡沙尘暴,前两年北京遭遇沙尘暴,整个城市被沙子所笼罩这也是因为缺少树木的保护所造成的。
The annual Arbor Day imminent, we started to protect trees and trees. More than half of people think that is only to protect trees and trees in the Arbor Day, in my opinion, on the contrary, we can not only in the Arbor Day protect trees and trees, should all the time to protect the forest and trees. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth belongs to the animals with lush plants, everywhere full of vitality, full of green, however, IQ is far more human than the other animals, plants like enchanted decreased dramatically. That i...