

比利时留学 比利时天主教鲁汶大学



  Situated in Belgium, in the heart of Western Europe, KU Leuven has been a centre of learning for nearly six centuries. Today, it is Belgium's largest university and, founded in 1425, one of the oldest and most renowned universities in Europe. As a leading European research university and co-founder of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), KU Leuven offers a wide variety of international master’s programmes, all supported by high-quality, innovative, interdisciplinary research.Since its founding, KU Leuven has been based in the city that shares its name. Leuven is a pleasant, safe and bustling student town, where centuries-rich history meets cutting-edge science. The university also offers degree programmes at campuses in 11 Belgian cities, including Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp.

  鲁汶大学创建于1425年,是比利时最大、排名最高的大学,也是欧洲最古老及最受人尊敬的大学之一。作为欧洲研究大学的领头人及欧洲研究大学联盟 (the League of European Research Universities – LERU) 的共同创始人,鲁汶大学提供了广泛的英语项目,这些项目得到高品质的跨学科研究的支持,并在大学和国际知名的医院予以实施。由于其无与伦比的中心位置,鲁汶大学为你提供真正国际化的体验、高品质的教育、世界一流的研究和尖端创新。高质量科研基础上的素质教育,鲁汶大学是一所综合性大学,卓越的教学与科学研究齐头并进。鲁汶大学的所有课程均建立在高品质的多学科研究的基础上。学生不仅可以获得学术技能,而且还能培养以研究为基础的批判性思维能力。鲁汶大学的文凭得到全球认可及重视。


