如果你大学毕业,有了若干年的工作经验,通过工作签证出国不失为一条经济快速的国捷径。如果你已经在海外,寻找一份工作则是你的迫切需要。当你听到你的某某朋友、某某同学拿到了年薪十万美元以上,心痒之余,你会怎样? 网站新增了《简历样本》,汇集了简历的样本,以后还会陆续增加,总有一份对你有帮助。
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Joan Beagle
2833 Meandering Way
Seattle, WA 98112
Position as community worker utilizing my experience as a geriatric-care provider.
Campbell Social Services, San Francisco, CA
Consultant, January 1997 to Present
Designed and implemented state-of-the-art educational and enrichment community programs for older adults. Instituted a Computer Learning Lab for older adults learning basic computer skills including browsing the Internet.
House Bound Research Project, Oakland, CA
Project Director, August 1989 to January 1997
Supervised Optimum Foundation-funded research study of adults living in boarding homes in Oakland. Responsible for implementation and management of entire 20-person project. Convened Advisory Committee, designed research protocols. Hired consultants and staff. Managed budget and produced final report. As a result, a direct four-year follow-up project was funded based on the project's recommendations. Press attention: "Defending Elder Rights" published in El...