前言:犹他州(State of Utah)是美国的一个州,位于美国西部。于1896年1月4日成为美国第45个州。犹他州的主要城市有盐湖城,奥格登和普若佛。由落矶山脉,科罗拉多高原和大盐湖沙漠所盘据。人口约250万,约80%人口居住于首府盐湖城。主要由摩门教(耶稣基督后期圣徒教会)信众的后代和北欧移民的后裔组成。使用语音是英语。州内有犹他大学。
• Total population of 2.8 million, around half of which is based in the Salt Lake City metropolitan area
• The Great Salt Lake from which the city takes its name is the largest salt water lake in the western hemisphere, covering an area of around 1,700 square miles on average
• Famous Utahans include outlaw Butch Cassidy, television inventor Philo T. Farnsworth, and music group The Osmonds
• A colony of quaking aspen which share a root system in Fishlake National Forest is thought to be the heaviest (6,600 tons) and oldest (80,000 years) living organism in the world
• The Mormon temple in Salt Lake City took 40 years to complete
• 94% of Utah’s population of 18-64 year olds are literate – the highest rate in the US
• Utah has the sixth highest proportion of city based residents in the US