A college education may be one of the most important investments you make. However, we recognize that the cost of tuition often makes a college educaton feel out of reach for many students and their families. Boston College is committed to need-blind admission and need-based financial aid to ensure that qualified students from all kinds of economic backgrounds have the opportunity to enroll.
Your Cost of Attendance is calculated based on fixed expenses (tuition and fees) and estimated expenses (room, utilities, books, travel, and personal expenses).
在大家了解了波士顿学院的招生原则和费用计算依据之后,是否知道波士顿学院2017–2018 学年的研究生费用是多少呢?请看出国留学网下面的介绍。
Tuition for 2017–2018 for Master's or Doctoral Degree, per Credit