1. 专业背景
What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? What is your favorite subject? Can it be used to military utilities?
When/where did you get your BS/MS?
What is your academic background?
Why do you like your major?
What is the difficult class do you have?
What institution did you attend and what was your major?
What does your major mean?
Can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living?
Is your transcript original?
课程概述 Can you talk something about the course XX?
What is your dissertation about? what is your specific research of your undergraduate paper?
What have you done in your research?
Are you a top student in your school? What about your ranking in your class?
2. 工作背景
What/where are you working now?
What do you do with your work for MS/phd?
What have you done after you graduated from university?
How long does it take to commute to your work place?
Are you a worker or a student now?
How much do you earn now? How much will you earn when you come back?
What is your current project in your company? What are you responsible for in your present post?
How many years ...