很多去美国留学的学生对于签证的个人简历把握不是很清楚,那么什么是美国留学签证呢?个人简历的范文是怎么样呢?美国留学签证是去往美国留学选用的签证。美国移民法为赴美留学人员提供了两种非移民签证类别。"F" 签证发放给赴美进行学术学习的留学生,而"M" 签证则发放给进行非学术或职业学习的留学生。要获得学生签证,申请人必须首先申请一所美国学校并被其接收。当您被接收后,学校会为您签发一份I-20或I-20M表格。您前来申请签证时必须出示该表格。跟着出国留学网来看看吧!欢迎阅读。
Nonimmigrant Visa Resume Template
Date and country of birth:
Name and date of birth of spouse: (if applicable)
Names and dates of birth of children: (if applicable)
Address and Contact information
List here all universities and higher education institutions you have attended, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information:
Name of university
Dates of study
Degree level
Degree major and minors
Area of research
Title of thesis
Work experience
List here all paid and voluntary work you have performed and positions held, starting with the most recent. You should include the following information:
Name of company, organization or institutions
Job ti...