【原文】General Admission Requirements:
Education Level
The admission requirements and deadlines differ from program to program. Please check brochure and the website www.kent.edu/gps for the latest updates.
【原文】English Language Proficiency
· All international applicants must provide proof of English language proficiency unless they meet specific exceptions.
· International new freshman applicants with a TOEFL score should request that ETS send official scores directly to Kent (institution code: 1367). An IELTS report can be sent as a scanned PDF or submitted electronically.
· The minimum scores: TOEFL ≥ 71 (iBT)/ 525 (PBT)orIELTS ≥ 6.0; some graduate programs require higher scores. Please see the website above for details.
· Most graduate programs do not offer conditional admission. See details.
· 所有的国际申请生必须提供英语语言熟练的证明,除非他们达到特殊要求。
· 有官方TOEFL成绩的学生应该要求ETS直接将成绩发送至肯特州立大学(机构代码:1367)。雅思报告可以以PDF扫描件或电子形式提交。
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