

加拿大大学申请 肯高迪亚大学申请 肯高迪亚大学研究生

  Concordia provides a wide range of innovative programs and courses that offer a unique and rewarding educational experience. Concordia boasts small classes, accessible and award-winning professors, and an affordable education.

  Concordia University evaluates international degree equivalencies upon receipt of an application. Meeting these minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to Concordia.




  (原文)1.GPA admission requirement

  Minimum GPA requirements for graduate degrees are:

  Doctoral programs require applicants to have completed a master’s/magisteriate (or equivalent) with high standing (e.g., with honours, or a GPA of at least 3.00).

  Master’s programs typically require applicants to have completed a bachelor’s/baccalaureate (or equivalent) with high standing. High standing can be defined as honours, specialization, a GPA of at least 3.00, or other. It is always recommended to verify the requirements of specific programs.

  Diploma and graduate certificate programs require applicants to have completed a bachelor’s/ baccalaureate (or equivalent) with high standing.

  Note: Admission to graduate programs at Concordia is competitive; meetin...



加拿大留学要求 肯高迪亚大学申请 肯高迪亚大学语言要求


  (原文)English language proficiency

  If your primary language is not English and you do not meet one of the proofs of proficiency listed below, you must write an English proficiency test, regardless of your citizenship.

  1.Proof of language proficiency

  In all cases, we reserve the right to require a proficiency test if we consider it necessary. In general, if you have completed any of the following, you are not required to write a proficiency test:

  Any of the following combinations in Quebec:

  The last four years of high school studies and the DES (Secondary V)

  Both Secondary V and the Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC)

  The Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) at an English Cegep

  Four full years of study in Canada in French at the secondary-school level immediately prior to graduating.

  A minimum of three full years of study in a secondary institution where the sole language of instruction is English.

  International Baccalaureate: The course Group 1 English (Language A: Literature, Language A: Language and literature, or literature and performance) (Higher or Standard Level).

  Baccalauréat français: The American or British Option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB).


