10月,US News公布了2018年非洲大学排名,南非开普敦大学排在第一位。本文是关于非洲各国大学在本次排名中的具体表现,由出国留学网整理翻译,供你选校参考。
These universities located in African countries, including South Africa, Egypt and Uganda, have been numerically ranked based on their positions in the overall Best Global Universities rankings. Each institution was evaluated based on its research performance and its ratings by members of the academic community around the world and in the region. These are the top global universities in Africa.
这些大学来自南非、埃及、乌干达等非洲国家,它们在非洲的排名根据它们在全球最佳大学综合排名中的位置列出,用数字表示。各大学的评估依据了大学的研究表现和大学在世界及非洲学术界的成员评级。这些就是US News本次评出的非洲顶尖大学,共32所。
Best Universities in Africa 2018 Based on US News Best Global Universities Rankings 2018 | |||
World rank | Regional rank | University | Location |
113 | 1 | University of Cape Town | South Africa |
216 | 2 | University of Witwatersrand | South Africa |
336= | 3 | University of KwaZulu Natal | South Africa |
359= | 4 | Stellenbosch University | South Africa |
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