The tables below list the tuition fees for international undergraduate students for the academic year 2017/18. A fee is payable for each year of study.
Tuition fees for full-time courses are fixed for the first three years of study, this means that you will pay the same fee in years one, two and three, subject to the following:
1.repeat years: if you need to repeat an academic year, the tuition fee will continue on the same fixed rate as the previous year
2.advanced progression: if you join a programme in year two or three, the tuition fee rate will be based on the fee rate for your year of entry – not the year the programme started
3.4-year courses (including those with a placement year): where courses run for longer than three years, any additional years of study will be charged with a fee increase that will be no more than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 2%. The CPI rate will be taken from April preceding the commencement of the year of study.
This means, for example, if the CPI is 1% in the April before you start your fourth year of study, the increase to your fee wi...