


  Low-key love is all about simplicity and sincerity.~~还有哪些类似的句子可以参考?我们的出国留学网的编辑特意搜集并整理了英文版的恋爱文案句子51句,供有需要的朋友参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到你。



  2、Our love may not be picture-perfect, but it's honest and real.

  3、They don't need to display their affection in public to prove their love.

  4、Our love is just as strong whether we choose to express it loudly or quietly.

  5、There's something special about a relationship that doesn't need to broadcast its love.


  7、True love doesn't need to be advertised, it shines through in the little things we do for each other. 真正的爱情无需炒作,在我们为对方做的小事中就能闪耀光芒。

  8、We don't need to brag about our love, it speaks for itself through our actions and words. 我们不需要吹嘘我们的爱,只要通过我们的行动和言语就可以表达出来。

  9、Our love may be low-key, but it burns bright and strong.

  10、They are happy to keep their love life simple and private.

  11、Low-key love is the kind of love that grows stronger with time.

  12、Keeping our love low-key ensures that we never lose sight of what's important - each other.

  13、They enjoy the peace and tranquility of a low-key relationship.


  15、They don't need to show off their love to anyone.

  16、Our love may not be flashy, but it's authentic and genuine.

  17、I love how we keep our love low-key and let everything unfold naturally.



