

英语专八 写作
  Should College Students be Allowed to Change TheirMajors Midway?

  Most Chinese college students know how difficult itcan be to change their majors midway through theirstudies. Now, some universities have adopted a moreflexible policy which allows students to changetheir majors without restraint, providing they canmeet the entrance requirements of the course they wishto take. This has aroused a heated dicussion. In myopinion, this alternation in major policy is good forstudents' development and should be practiced in alluniversities.

  Firstly, reducing the limitations previously imposed on changing majors gives students anotherchance to select their careers with a maturer outlook. It is well known that the majors manycollege students take are not what they are really interested in. As a result, some students haveno zest in their major at all. In the past, students had to either struggle with their originalchoices or kill their time in desperation and wait for the second choice in their postgraduatestudies. Therefore, restriction on changing major is in fact an artificial barrier forstudents' development and should be lifted.

  Moreover, allowing students to shift to the major they are good at means better exploitationof their potential talent. Every student has his/her own passion and talent. Universities, asan important education institution, should try their best to help students to achieve theirpotential instead of suppressing it. T...



英语专八 写作
  Is home the best?

  Whether university students, who are already adults,should be allowed to live in rented flats out ofcampus has been debated for some time. Recently theMinistry of Education has issued a formal documentin which it expressed its approval. This naturallyintensifies the debate. In my opinion, living oncampus is much better than living away fromuniversities because it helps students with theirstudy, their life as well as their understanding ofthe society.

  First of all, living on campus can help students study better. Those who prefer to live offcampus usually say that living in a rented flat means that they can manage their own time withoutinterruption from others, and this can help their study. These may be true; but by living oncampus, students can stay closer to study facilities such as the library and language lab, thusgetting more information and training. Besides, they can have more discussion and groupactivities, and this is very important to put knowledge to use.

  Secondly, living on campus can help students live a richer life. Students who live off campus saythat they can stay closer to shopping centers or cinemas, so they can enjoy a colorful liferather than the boring life at school. But this is wrong. Shopping or seeing movies is not thelifestyle suitable to students because they are distractive, time-consuming and expensive. Onthe other hand, there are a lot of facilities on campus which promise a colorful ...



英语专八 写作
   Should students take part-time jobs?

  Although still much lower than in foreign countries,the percentage of university students taking part-timejobs in China is on the increase. Some peoplecriticize these students on the ground that part-time jobs distract students' attention and exposestudents too early to the issue of money. However, Ifirmly believe that working during universityeducation can be very beneficial to students.

  First of all, taking part-time jobs can help reducethe financial burden of the students' families. Generally speaking, the income of most parents isnot very high. As many universities are increasing their tuition, the education of their childrenis becoming an increasingly heavy burden for many parents. Some parents in the cities find ithard to pay this cost, not to mention those parents in the countryside. But if students can takesome part-time jobs, their income can cover part of the expenditure, thus lowering the burdenof their parents. One of my classmates pay for daily expenses completely from his own earings,and both his parents and he are very proud of it.

  Furthermore, taking part-time jobs can teach students much about hardship. Chinese students aremostly the only child at home, and their requests are usually met at any cost. This advantageactually deprives these children of the oppotunity to experience hardship, which can teach thema lot about the...


英语专八 写作
  Interview—A chance to view the outer part, but not the core.

  As a senior student in university, I have gonethrough many interviews— interview to recruit newclub members, interview for internship and so on. In my opinion, the procedure of recruitment is like choosing apples —viewing resumes is liking picking upapples, you can only decide the appearances, or in other words, whether there are obvious flaws.Interview is like the first bite, by which you know the real taste of an apple. But only by eating all the apple can you see the core? That is to say, only by working with a person for some time, can you judge a person? So to me, interview can help us to get a basic knowledge about a person and is indispensable in recruitment but it has its limitations.

  Interview is most helpful in the aspect that it provides interviewer a chance to observe something that resumes can not tell, for example, How the interviewee behaves? Is he/she nervous under pressure? Does he/she has excellent communication skills like eye contact? These things might be very important. Because some jobs might ask more than one's academic knowledge it might also require the ability of dealing with people and so on. Another important function of interview is that it can help interviewer to decide whether the interviewee lied in his/her resume. As we all know, under hot completion, in order to get more chances, some people tend to lie in their resumes about their experiences an...


英语专八 写作
  Why Do I Attend University?

  Every summer hundreds of thousands of young studentsattend the college entrance examination, fighting hardto be among the lucky ones to enter universities. Buthave this large crowd asked themselves such aquestion: why do you want to go to university? It isdangerous if so many people try so hard to dosomething without clear purposes. For me, going touniversity can fulfil three important purposes.

  The most direct motive for going to university is tosecure a good job in the future. With the largest population in the world, China is certainlyto be a gathering place of labor force. When there is more than enough labor force, one has to beextraordinary in order to succeed in the job market. As not all young people can go touniversity now, an education experience in university is sure to guarantee some advantages. Ifyou open a classfied advertisement, you may find that most of the well-jpaying jobs require auniversity degree or higher. Therefore, without university education, I cannot possibly find adecent job to support myself and my family.

  Besides good job and income, a more important motive for going to university is to acquireknowledge. Since high school I have become increasingly interested in learning knowledge. I wasusually fascinated by what teachers taught in various classes, and this curiosity drives me toknow more. I have found that things taught in high school are just on very basic level. If I w...

英语专八写作范文:On Open Policy

   The open policy means that our country is open to investment, trade and technical and economic cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The purpose of open policy is to acquire advanced technology, management skills to serve our socialist construction so as to promote the realization of the four modernizations.We must adhere to the open policy. Because economic relations between states today have become increasingly close, and no country can possibly advance behind close doors. Only in this way, can we gradually close the gap between our country and the developed countries.Through the implementation of policy, we can learn advanced technology and managerial expertise from abroad; make full use of the foreign capitals to set up great enterprises; absorb useful and healthy ideas and new knowledge of the modern civilization; and broaden our views and raise our level of competence.


英语范文 专八作文 专八写作范文


  The Effect of Decoding the Human Body

  The Human Genome Project will revolutionize the detection,prevention and treatment of conditions of certain diseases.Genes help early detection of diseases and fix health problems,not just to predict them. Genetic medicines will be aimed at thecauses of disease rather than the symptoms and doctors willstart prescribing different treatments for different patients, depending on their genetic profiles.Many potential diseases will be cured before they arise.

  But decoding the book of life poses moral dilemmas. It threatens to undermine privacy and bringon genetic discrimination in marriage, insurance and employment. With knowledge of our geneticcode, those who have got certain undesirable genes may be discriminated when choosing theirspouses. If genetic tests predict mental dullness, short stature or other undesirable traits beforebabies are born, the society may look down upon children whose parents let them be born , thesociety may look down upon children whose parents let them be born with those traits. Employersmay take your genetic profile before they offer you a job.

  In my opinion, the completion of the Human Genome Project is a great breakthrough in humanhistory. It will change the way we live and even the way we think about who we are to preventgenetic discrimination, in insurance and in employment based on ...



  In some countries where racial prejudice is acute,violence has so come to be taken for granted as ameans of solving differences, that it is not evenquestioned. There are countries where the white manimposes his rule by brute force; there are countrieswhere the black man protests by setting fire tocities and by looting and pillaging. Important peopleon both sides, who would in other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly arguein favor of violence – as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is reallyfrightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to thecrunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of thehuman race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. Wehave still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but makes it more acute. The sheerhorror, the bloodshed, the suffering mean nothing. No solution ever comes to light the morningafter when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.

  The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and herder toget a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because theyadvocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. If half the energy that goes intoviolent act...
