

金泽大学申请 金泽大学 日本留学申请


  Graduate School

  Eligibility for Application

  The applicant should be a national of a country other than Japan and correspond to any of the following.

  Master's Course, Master's Level Section of Integrated Course and Professional Degree Course(Graduate School of Law)

  (1) A person who has graduated from a college stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Law, or who is expected to graduate from such a college by the day before admission.

  (2) A person who has been awarded a bachelor’s degree in accordance with fourth paragraph of Article 104 of the School Education Law, or who is expected to be awarded such a degree by the day before admission.

  (3) A person who has completed 16 years of the school curriculum of a foreign country, or who is expected to complete such a curriculum by the day before admission.

  (4) A person who has completed a curriculum specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan at an educational institute that has a college established under the school education system of a foreign country, or who is expected to complete such a program by the day before admission.

  (5) A person who has completed 16 years of the school curriculum of a foreign country ...



金泽大学申请 金泽大学 日本留学条件


  Undergraduate Course

  Eligibility for Application

  The applicant should be a national of a country other than Japan (excluding permanent resident of Japan), and should fulfill all of the following requirements.

  (1) Applicants should correspond to either of the following

  A person who has completed or is expected to have completed 12 years of school education abroad by the end of March 2017, or a person who is recognized by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan to have completed the equivalent level of education

  A person who has completed or is expected to have received the International Baccalaureate diploma offered by International Baccalaureate Organization, a foundation in accordance with Swiss Civil Code, and will reach the age of 18 by March 31, 2017

  A person who has completed or is expected to have received the Abitur diploma, which is approved as the eligibility for university admission in the states of the Federal Republic of Germany, and will reach the age of 18 by March 31, 2017

  A person who has completed or is expected to have received the Baccalaureate diploma, which is approved as the eligibility for university admission in the French Republic, and will reach the age...

