Academic Recognition Award 2017-2018
Award Amounts $4,000 to $9,000 per academic year
The Academic Recognition Award is a highly competitive undergraduate tuition scholarship offered annually to a select number of non-Arizona* high school graduates attending college for the first time immediately after high school graduation. Incoming freshmen who are homeschooled will be evaluated for merit aid based on portfolio/course work and ACT or SAT test scores submitted by the admission deadline.
1. Award offers and values are based on high school merits including your 6th semester core unweighted high school GPA (4.0 scale).
2. Students are encouraged to submit test scores (SAT and/or ACT) by May 1, 2017 for additional merit review.
3. Students selected for this scholarship will receive an offer letter once all completed admissions application materials have been submitted before the deadline.
4. Offers are non-negotiable and are not increased to match offers from other institutions and remain the same as the initial offer for continuing students, even if a student improves their UA GPA.
5. Awards are not offered to students admitted for spring.
6. Awards are for undergraduate studies only.
Availability Four consecutive years (eight semesters total) for fall and spring semesters only, based on academic year renewal requirements. T...