釜山大学 ,1946年建校,是韩国10所国立旗帜大学之一,2014年QS世界大学排名431名,亚洲第68位。这样一座历史悠久的学校,校园里又有什么特别的地方呢?下面是出国留学网为大家整理的釜山大学校园内不得不看的几处地方。
Welfare Facilities
Kyungam Gymnasium
A state-of-the-art sports complex where research and sports occur simultaneously
One of the most advanced university gymnasiums in Korea; opened on February 10, 2009
Spans five stories with a total floor area of 12,572㎡
Research Wing: research rooms, classrooms, and laboratories for experiments
Sports Wing: gymnasium (1,600 seats), squash courts (first floor), fitness room, golf practice room, gymnastics studio, martial arts studio, dance studio (2nd floor), the main stadium (3rd floor), and gym (4th floor) with modern facilities
Open to students, faculty, staff, and alumni
体育馆楼:体育馆(可容纳1,600人), 壁球室(1楼), 健身房, 高尔夫练习场, 体操室, 武馆, 舞蹈室(2楼), 主会场(3楼), 体育馆(4楼)等现代化设施
Neogneoghan Teo
Named ‘Neogneoghan (ample) Teo (site)’ for being a large, spacious area, it has housed the main building since 1994; often called 'Neog Teo' for short
Ideal site for various student events due to its proximity to the front gate
Open to students and...