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  大家现在所看到的这篇小作文选自C6T2,同其他考官范文不同,这篇文章出自考生之手.具体这篇考生的作文得了几分咱们先卖个关子,假如你是雅思考官,按照写作评分的四大项标准, 你会给他打几分呢?

  The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000.

  In 2000 the most preferred mode of travel is by car with 4, 806 people. Theres a noticeable decrease in public transportation locally where it dropped from 429 people in 1985 to 274 people in 2000. However the long distance bus rides is much more preferred by people as its figures are more than doubled in the last 15 years. People who chose to walk or cycle are decreased slightly in 2000. Which probably made people to take the take the train more often. Theres a significant increase in the numbers of people who travelled by train. It jumped from 289 in 1985 to 366 in 2000. This makes the train second popular mode of transportation. The biggest leap in the chart is the increase of taxi users who are tripled in 2000 with 42 people. Where it was only 13 in 1985

  Apart from all this modes of travel, there are some more different types of travel as well of course. Number of people choosing different modes of travel is rapidly increased from 450 to 585 in 2000.


  首先从文章的内容上来看,考生确实从趋势角度描写了数据变化,但描写逻辑混乱.开端描述了car,local bus 及 long distance bus.Car的数...

