雅思大作文中有一类题目是因果关系类,具体包括三小类:cause and effect、cause and solution、problem and solution。这三小类问题也可以穿起来,即针对某个topic的cause—effect (即problem) – solution。
无论哪种题目,写明因果关系很重要。关于因果关系的表达同学们都很熟悉,无非是BS(because / so),而且大家也一定很清楚的知道BS在英语中,用了前者就不能用后者的道理。例如:
雅思写作中因果关系难倒考生 三类关系干货总结Because further education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, an increasing number of people have degrees.
雅思写作中因果关系难倒考生 三类关系干货总结Further education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, so an increasing number of people have degrees.
1. because of : because后接的是一个句子(主谓宾);because of 后一般直接跟名词。例如:
雅思写作中因果关系难倒考生 三类关系干货总结Because of the increasing number of machine—and as we noted before, machines magnify human effort—then anyone using a machine can get a higher wage than anyone not using a machine.
2. as / since(除了“因为“外,还有”自从”的意思,使用时要注意避免歧义)
雅思写作中因果关系难倒考生 三类关系干货总结Hours spent on commuting, traffic jams, and fights for parking should diminish, sinceworkers make fewer journeys or work staggered hours.
雅思写作中因果关系难倒考生 三类关系干货总结Unfortunately, as the number of people living in the city increases, so do the different problems associated with population growth. (注...